Chapter 1

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So, like, it was my first day at the new high school. I pulled up the hood of my hoodie and swung open the door leading to the lockers hallway. The bell hadn't rung yet, so it was pretty quiet and empty. Heard some footsteps on the stairs, but they faded fast. My nerves were off the charts. No biggie, all good. Just the first day at a new school, in a new city... without friends.

Oh, good grief! I don't know anyone here, they'll eat me alive.

With those awesome thoughts, I approached my locker.

"Hey, dude, what the heck are you doing in my locker?!"

I turned around. There was this beefy football player in the school team's jersey – a freaking moose.

"Screw off, Dick, nobody needs your locker. Open your eyes, it's not even yours," I heard a girl's voice.

Who unexpectedly saved me? The football player instantly forgot about me and started flirting with my savior, a cheerleader. My locker creaked open, making the jock and his girl jump. Right then, the bell rang, and the hallway flooded with students converging from all directions like pilgrims to a holy place. It got even busier and noisier. Gotta head to class before I get noticed. I dumped all my textbooks into my new locker (which had seen better days) and hurried to my first art class. It'd be a miracle if I find my class and don't die of social anxiety.

Once my heart rate calmed down, I tried to scan the colorful crowd of students to spot my rescuer. Unfortunately, she, along with other cheerleaders and athletes, headed towards the exit. All I could make out was her blue-and-white uniform, nice legs, and a cute blond ponytail tied with a red ribbon.

I was dressed horribly: not the impression I wanted to make on my first day at the new school! Blame it on not having my stuff. You can't imagine the despair I felt when mom told me our boxes got shipped to another city by mistake! I had to wear what I wore in the car on my way to a new house: an old comfy gray hoodie and sweatpants. Not that I mind such clothes – I'd wear them all my life, but mom does. She always said, "You're not at the gym or on a hike to dress like that! At home, wear whatever, but at school, you gotta dress nice and stylish. First impressions matter. I don't want you sitting in a corner like a wallflower again at the new school. This time, you gotta try, promise me."

Yesterday, mom made me wear her stylish pants that hug my butt, an expensive shirt, and light beige driving shoes. She styled my short hair: "I don't get why you cut it! You can't wear hoodies; otherwise, everyone will think you're a freak, honey. A bit of makeup wouldn't hurt, but you're already a beauty, those thick natural lashes and brows! Don't you dare go to the beauty salon and cut your beautiful wavy hair without me! Your haircut doesn't look as lesbian with my outfit."

When I woke up, I realized my little sister wore what mom told me to wear.

"What the heck, Jessica!" I yelled at her, seeing her ready to leave the house in my-mom's clothes.

"I told you I'd get back at you for snitching on me to mom, here you go!"

"You wanted to go to a party with twenty-year-old guys! You're only fifteen!"

"I don't care, Mel!"

"Mom gave you her clothes too, wear them," I begged.

"I will, here they are, in my bag. I'll change after the big break. First, I'll come in these cool clothes; everyone will be amazed and want to talk to me, and then I'll change into even cooler clothes! Real fashion show – mom's clothes are always from expensive designers. What's the problem, sis, wear something else from mom's wardrobe," she taunted.

"You know mom doesn't allow taking her things without asking. She'll leave me without pocket money for a month or put me under house arrest if she finds out."

"Exactly," Jessica laughed. "But you can always wear your lame clothes."

I was furious and tried to stop her, but she dashed out of the house quickly. I rushed to the porch, then immediately ran back realizing I was in just a tank top and underwear.

So here I am, facing my locker. Now, I'll definitely find it right away, 'cause I've already studied every scratch on its blue door.

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