Chapter 37

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Mom hated cereal for breakfast, so since childhood, my sister and I were used to "grown-up" breakfasts. The kitchen always smelled of scrambled eggs, toast, and coffee in the mornings, with avocado, smoked salmon, and a few pastries on the table. If Mom forgot to pack us food for school (she is always forgetful when it comes to her daughter's lunchboxes), we could always grab a handful of pastries and rush off.

Jess was sitting alone in the kitchen, glued to her phone. The phone was ancient, huge, heavy, almost medieval by today's standards.

"Caught you!" I startled her.

"Damn, you almost gave me a heart attack."

"Where's mom?"

"She went on a date," Jess said nonchalantly, though her narrowed eyes showed it annoyed her.

"That was fast," I said. "She just got into town. Someone from work?"

"No idea. Judging by your look, you're going somewhere too? Want some coffee?"

"Yeah. Is there any of that leftover Korean food?" I asked hopefully.

"Nope, just coffee and toast with jam... marmaladeeee. Today we're eating like British royalty, only missing the tea," Jess snorted. "So, where are you going?"

"Nowhere," I said evasively.

"You're all dressed up... by your weird beauty standards, of course."

"If you tell mom, I'll say you're using someone else's phone."

"Whatever." Jess shrugged like a diva and wrinkled her nose after taking a sip of coffee. "This is crap, we need to get some good coffee..."

"You're just like mom... You're more like her. You are even wrinkling your nose like her."

"No, I'm not. Mom's on a date, and I'm stuck in the kitchen like a looser with this prehistoric phone, while you're heading out. Everyone's buzzing about Bianca's party, by the way. Do you know her? I think you mentioned her yesterday."

What a bloody memory, she definitely took after mom!

"She hasn't posted anything on her socials," I said hardly hiding my disappointment.

"She's popular, she's not going to post herself. She'll start when the party's in full swing — I used to do the same."

"How does it feel to hit rock bottom?" I asked sarcastically, biting into a toast.

"I'll take back this school. Punishment isn't forever. Are you really going like that?" Jess shook her head disapprovingly. "Tell you what, let me spruce you up a bit, and you don't mention my phone to mom."

"What phone?"

"You catch on quick."


"Can you ease up a bit?" I finally said as Jess tried for the third time to apply some sort of tint to my cheeks. "I'm going to look like a Russian doll."

"You already do," she retorted, "all uptight with a bunch mysterious secrets inside."

"Ugh, you sound just like Mom. It's annoying," I sighed.

"Why don't you want to be pretty?"

"Pretty like you?" I scoffed. "I'm not pretty enough in this family of man-huntresses?"

Jess fell silent, then sniffed dismissively. "I thought you wanted to snag that guy with the Mustang."

"Maybe sh... khm... he's interested in me for my inner world. Ever thought about that?"

"Doubt it," Jess said, flipping her hair like a model in a commercial.

"God, Jess, you act like you've been divorced twice already."

"I'm just a woman."

"You're just a fool."

"How about this choker? At least it adds some style."

"It'll do. Thanks for the hairstyle and the bling. I'll return everything."

"Don't bother, they're last season anyway."

"You're such a sweetheart, giving your favorite sister your most precious things."

"Always happy to help," Jess said, completely missing my sarcasm. "You're lucky. Mom texted that she's running late."

"Hope you're not planning to sneak out tonight."

"I'll be a good girl. By the way, someone called for you this morning."

"No missed calls on my cell."

"On the landline."

"We have a landline?"

"You know how Mom loves such vintage things."

"Who was it?"

"No idea."

"Okay, I'm leaving before I strangle you."

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