Chapter 46

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"Wait, were you at the party?" I asked Amelia — yeah, I think her name's Amelia. She's this cute chubby girl with super bright eyeshadows. I don't remember seeing her there.

"Noooo..." she said with a sigh. I wasn't invited, but I totally wish I could go. It sounds so cool. Look at this." She showed us her phone, which was open to Bianca's IG page. "Isn't she awesome?"

Ugh, a Bianca fangirl... just what I needed today. I shouldn't have asked anything at all.

"I wish I could be like her and be friends with her. Look at this awesome hairstyle she had," Amelia gushed.

"So, what was so special about the party?" I interrupted, trying to get her to the point.

"You're not following her? You totally have to follow her," Amelia insisted.

"She doesn't need to follow Bianca. They are frien..." the class rep started, but I shook my head slightly, signaling her to drop it. She got the hint and fell silent. Fortunately (or unfortunately for the rep, Lydia), Amelia wasn't paying attention to her at all. She wasn't even really listening to me. It felt like she had a bigger crush on Bianca than I did.

"You have to follow her. Look at this," Amelia continued, oblivious. She scrolled through Bianca's feed, showing picture after picture. "Isn't she gorgeous?"

I sighed inwardly. This conversation was going nowhere, and all I could think was how much I didn't need this right now.

"She always has the coolest outfits and hairstyles... you know, I always notice what changes in her style or life. Like, she recently followed this artist, probably someone from Europe or something." Amelia showed me my own account, full of nature photos, random fan art, and mini-comics.

I mentally rolled my eyes.

"I think her art style is a lot like mine," Amelia said proudly, pointing to her canvas. Like everyone else, it had the orange marigolds in a pot, which we were all supposed to draw in four different styles.

Seriously? Nothing like my style. I bit my lower lip to keep from laughing.

I drew the marigolds in Kandinsky's style, Art Nouveau, Impressionism, and as a simple pencil doodle. I liked this assignment. Ms. Thompson always gave us something creative, focusing more on the process than the technique, which let everyone draw without feeling self-conscious or worried about the results, even if they weren't particularly talented at art.

"Great drawing, Melanie," Ms. Thompson said as she walked by. "Wonderful work!"

Amelia pouted, probably used to being the one getting all the praise. She seemed to forget about telling us more about Bianca for a moment and focused on her flower petals, but then she remembered her idol again.

"Lately, she's been way happier than usual. Maybe because she gave Dick a chance. I've been shipping them for two years now—they'd make such a beautiful couple."

Ugh, Godddd, she's like those crazy people who buy everything with the royal family's faces on it — plates, cups...

"They say she kissed him at her birthday party. It's so romantic and symbolic! And there was drama, too. Her main rival, Irene, showed up." Amelia showed me someone's Reel where Irene smashed a glass bowl in anger. "I wish my life had such events," she said dreamily. "And here's a Reel of Bianca blowing out her candles. I LOVE her liner and eyeshadows. Look at her lip tint, I think it's something NikkiTutorials recommended. Isn't Bianca beautiful?"

"Yeah, like a scene from a Hollywood movie," I muttered. Lydia barely suppressed a giggle, clearly catching my sarcasm.

So Bianca just went on celebrating her birthday after I left.

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