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"Shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit!" Ellia yelled, pacing around her room at home as she cut her hair, clean off. All of the long, gorgeous hair that her mother loved oh so much, all gone. She was glad her mother wasn't here, but what was she going to say when she got home? Ellia paced, she'd cut her hair on a whim because she wanted to go join her brother in the fight against the krauts but she was regretting it slightly now. But, it was too late. Ellia ran towards the bathroom, raiding a cupboard for some sort of bandage to use on her chest and if anyone asked, she'd had an injury.

She wrapped as tightly as possible and tied it off, securing it with a bit of glue. Then she rushed into what was her brother's room, raiding his wardrobe for what was a pair of brown pants and a white button down and a brown sleeveless jumper, it wasn't very pieced together with her having a poor sense of general fashion. She made her way back to her room, packing a bag with some personal affects before she put on a pair of scraggly army boots that were her dad's and secured them tightly before she left for the recruitment office, with a faked id certificate which was surprisingly easy to do.

She made her way to the recruitment office, waited in line until it was her turn.

"Name?" The officer at the desk, asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Elliott Smith, Sir." She nodded, putting on a slightly lower and calmer voice to make it sound like she was just a younger guy, 18 at the least. She was 19, but this would do.

"Fill out this form. We need more flyers." The recruitment officer sighed, handing her the form for her to fill out quickly and then give back to him. "Training starts in 10 minutes. Go wait with the rest of the recruits and change." He grumbled, waving Elliott off and speaking to the next man.

Shit. Ellia thought, walking to the changing area to find a uniform that would fit her, a medium would do. She changed quickly, a few men turning their heads at the bandages around her.

"You alright man?" One asked, tapping her on the shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah. All good. It was a factory accident." She lied, strangely well as she smiled at the other guy. "It was pretty nasty actually, machine fell on me." She laughed, buttoning up the training uniform she'd been given and pulling on the pants and putting on the same boots she had before.

"Sheeeshh.. jesus, that sounds horrible.." the other guy remarked, shaking his head a little. "I'm Aled, by the way. You?" He asked, putting his hand out for a handshake.

"Elliott, it's a pleasure." She smiled, shaking Alex's hand. "Hey, any clue when we ship out?"

"I think 4 months after training." Aled responding, withdrawing his hand and sighing a little. "Wonder what bomb squad we're going to.."

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Eventually, they'd have trained at least 4 months, and they were sent to a temporary bomb squad whilst they waited on word on what squad needed more people at the moment, and it'd been at least 5 months. They'd been on a fair few missions, as they were currently stationed in Scotland and they'd been sent to bomb Berlin and Munich mostly and occasionally Norway, and lost a few, but it was survival of the fittest I suppose, she was one of these survivors and had gained herself the nickname of 'miracle' as she'd survived so many missions which were the result of almost all planes going down and she'd escaped with her plane mostly fine and her crew with minor casualties, it was how she achieved the rank of Major.

Aled was Elliott's assigned co-pilot for the time-being as they awaited shipmemt, and eventually it was time for it.

"Alright, round up!" The CO boomed, standing on a table to tell them their areas. "Off to the 100th we have, Aled Nickelson's and Barry Reagan's crews, off to the 305th we have-" Elliott kind of stopped listening after she heard that she was off to the 100th.. god she hoped her brother wouldn't recognise her.

Later on that day, she was piloting a B-17 with aled and the rest of their crew on board, going down to East Anglia to join the 'bloody hundredth' as it was nicknamed in the ranks. As they got closer and closer it wrecked at her nerves, the fact that she was going to see her brother again and couldn't hug him nor speak to him about what she's been doing whilst he's been out at war.. it hurts. But to just see him would suffice, she supposed. They got closer to the fjord, flying through the valley with the rived at the bottom as they gained distance between there and the runway before they had to go down and land.

It was a smooth landing really, they landed and dragged along the runway slowly, coming to a halt as they landed with people dotted along the runway sides, some who looked like mechanics, some children from around the area and obviously other pilots which observed their landing.

They'd parked in a bay where the mechanics would go over the plane, checking anything that was up with it after the crew had exited.

"Fucking hell.." Elliott grumbled, hopping out of the plane on her feet, being careful to not fall. She'd been living as a boy for nearly a year now and learnt how to act like one. She'd told Aled, who was perfectly fine with it, given her reasons, and found her sort of courageous for actually coming to help in the war. But moving on from that, she hopped out, a few grazes and cuts on her face and hands and whatnot due to some turbulence which caused them to bat around a little in the plane. As she picked up her stuff and walked forwards, she was looking down at the floor so she bumped into someone. He was tall, she could tell that by how she bumped into his shoulder. She looked up, he was handsomely rugged and looked at her with a toothy grin, and by he smile slines, he seemed to do that a lot.

"Major." He greeted giving Elliott a curt nod and offering a handshake. "John Egan, but you can call me Bucky." He added, smiling a little less now but he still slightly was. In response, Elliott shook his hand and introduced herself.

"Elliott Cle- Smith. Elliott Smith. I apologise I'm used to saying my mother's maiden name." She nodded, covering up her mistake. Bucky just smiled in response and retracted his hand, putting them on his hips and sighing.

"Our CO wants to see you." He spoke, nodding his head in the direction of the CO's office and clearly hunting at Elliott to follow him in which Elliott responded with a nod and walked beside him in silence.

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thanks for reading the first chapter/book! I really hope you enjoyed it, it took me a little bit to write but I'll try and update tomorrow!

Chapter date: Sunday 7th April

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