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☆゚.*・。゚🛩️ ゚。・*.゚☆

Eventually when they both staggered out of the bar, arms slinked around eachother's shoulders as they walked. keeping Elliott upright as they stumbled back into their hotel, taking the lift up to the 4th floor, where their room was. They got to the door, Bucky fumbling with the key and Elliott leant on the side of the wall and watched him.

"You're pretty.." Elliott mumbled, gazing up at Bucky and grinning.

Bucky chuckled, looking down at Elliott with a soft smile. "You're not so bad yourself, Ell."

Elliott blushed, her cheeks warming up at Bucky's words. "Mm.. Thanks, Bucky."

Finally managing to unlock the door, Bucky guided Elliott inside their hotel room, helping her to sit down on one of the beds. The room was dimly lit, casting a soft glow over the space. The events of the evening and the alcohol began to take their toll, and Elliott felt a wave of exhaustion wash over her.

Bucky sat down beside Elliott, his eyes meeting his. "You okay, Ell?"

Elliott nodded, letting out a soft sigh and leaning her head on Bucky's shoulder. "Mm.. yeah.. tired, I guess.."

Bucky smiled, reaching over to tuck a stray strand of hair behind Elliott's ear. "You did well tonight, you know. You're a natural at this drinking stuff."

Elliott smiled back, feeling a warmth spread through her at Bucky's words. "M..thank you."

They sat in silence for a moment, the weight of their unspoken feelings hanging in the air. Bucky leaned in closer, his eyes searching Elliott's. "You know, Ell, there's something about you... Something I can't quite put my finger on."

Elliott's heart raced, the intensity of Bucky's gaze making it hard to breathe. "huh..?"

Bucky hesitated for a moment, his expression thoughtful. "I know there's something you're not telling me."

Elliott swallowed hard, feeling a lump form in her throat. "Bucky, I..."

Before she could finish, Bucky leaned in and pressed his lips against Elliott's, silencing her. The kiss was soft and gentle, filled with a mix of curiosity and longing. It was a moment Elliott had dreamt of, yet never expected to happen.

"Wait." Elliott hummed, pushing Bucky off of her slightly. "I'm uh.. I'm a girl.." she mumbled, the drunkenness wearing off of her after the kiss.

"I guessed." He smiled, a hand moving to Elliott's neck as he kissed her again, a hand roaming down to unbutton her shirt, pulling away to focus on unbuttoning it for her and getting it off her. His hand grazing along the bandages around her torso. "May I?" He spoke with a small laugh, eyes flitting up to make eye contact with hers.

"Mhm.." she sighed, a small smile pasted on her face as Bucky began to unwrap them, taking care as his fingertips brushed against the delicate skin, which was softer than that of her face and hands. Slowly as Bucky took care to remove the wrappings and shape began to come back to her chest, he smiled softly, leaning in to kiss her again, his hands dropping to her waist and rubbing circles there with his thumbs. "You're gorgeous." He murmured into the kiss, pulling away and removing his own uniform shirt and tie.

"You're not so bad yourself." she grinned, standing up and removing her own pants, giggling a little as he tripped slightly, Bucky catching her and steadying her at her hips.

"Don't fall." He whispered with a laugh, smiling up at her as she stood in front of him as he sat on the bed.

"I won't." She smiled, crawling onto Bucky's lap and laughing at him a little.

𝑨 𝑺𝑬𝑪𝑹𝑬𝑻 𝑻𝑶𝑶 𝑰𝑴𝑷𝑶𝑹𝑻𝑨𝑵𝑻 𝑻𝑶 𝑲𝑬𝑬𝑷 »» (Bucky Egan x fem!oc)Where stories live. Discover now