Chapter 3

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Francesca POV

I knocked on Rico's office door at the back of the club. I waited until I heard a muffled "Come in." before I entered the room.
Rico was standing at a mirror, trying to apply some glitter.
His office was furnished in a minimalist industrial style.

In contrast to his sparse furnishings, there was a pile of papers and documents on his desk. He would probably have a lot to work through the next few days.
"Let me help you," I offered him and took off my jacket.
When I saw how he was slowly despairing of applying the glitter to his face, I had to grin slightly.
Rico loved making a grand entrance and tonight was supposed to be his night.
I just wanted to be a good friend and support him.

I slowly took the powder from his hand and applied it to his cheek. Rico scrutinised himself critically in the mirror.
"So?" I asked impatiently. I didn't know him to be so quiet. He must be pretty excited about today.
"Yes, that works, or what do you think? Is it stupid that I'm the only one not wearing a mask? I thought everyone would be able to recognise me better if they wanted to complain, hey."
I looked at his leather trousers and fishnet top.
"I think you look sexy. The trousers make a real tight arse. Any plans after the party? How are things with the mystery man?" I added questioningly.

Rico had told me that he had his eye on someone. But that was all he had told me. It was all new, secret and fresh. He usually kept his love affairs to himself, unlike me. Rico knew everything. He was my shoulder to cry on. As I had no siblings apart from a few distant cousins, he was like a brother to me. I didn't want to talk to my parents about my love life, especially as they loved Carlo.
"Good. It's a bit difficult for him because the feelings are new territory for him and our professions are contrary. I'll tell you soon, should things develop. But that's all I'm going to say at this point. And now don't draw all the attention to me. Let me look at you!"
Rico took me by the hand and spun me round.
"You look good enough to eat. The men will be licking their fingers for you!" he laughed and I shouted "Rico!" in mock shock and punched him in the arm.
I wasn't allowed to think that far! I was still engaged.

"That's true. What's the current situation between you and Carlo? I told you a wedding doesn't make Carlo a new man..."
I sadly dropped my arms to my side and looked at Rico through my mask.
He knew how difficult it had been between me and Carlo over the last few years and especially months. After Carlo turned 30, he pushed more and more for a wedding and children. He had managed to get a good job as a management consultant after his studies and at the age of 33, he was now flying all over America to offer his services externally. He often only understood to a limited extent that I was still working in a clerical job at the time and wanted to fulfil myself career-wise after spending thousands of dollars on my studies.

Carlo was the classic Italian, he wanted to provide for the family. While I had found this terribly arousing when I was twenty, it was no longer so attractive now that I was approaching my thirties. He gave me less and less freedom and he had become very monotonous in bed over the years.

Sometimes when he came home after his trips, he would just kiss me on the forehead before he went to bed.
I hadn't expected it myself when he proposed to me over dinner six months ago. It had been so romantic and he had also apologised for neglecting me, so I had finally agreed.
Rico, on the other hand, wasn't Carlo's biggest fan from the start. Rico had the opinion that I should have acted out more before committing myself to someone, otherwise I would regret it all sooner or later.
"You can see how it is. Tomorrow I'll be 30 and I'll be alone. Do I need to tell you more?"
Rico nodded and gave me a hug.
It was hard for me not to show Rico how much I was hurting. It would mean I would have to admit it to myself and what decision would that lead me to?
You don't just throw away a 10-year relationship like that.
My parents wouldn't support me. They were on Carlo's side and thought I was working too much anyway and when I was offered the job as manager a few months ago, there had been a huge row between Carlo and me. Since then, he had apparently forgotten his promises and I wasn't sure whether he wasn't trying to get back at me this weekend.
Rico stroked my back supportively and when we released our embrace, his eyes fell briefly on my hand, but he only commented on the absence of my engagement ring with an encouraging smile.
He was always there for me and today I wanted to be there for him.
"So, let's show New York that the night scene still needed "El Gallo"!" I clapped my hands in an activating manner and pulled Rico outside by the sleeve.
The show could begin.

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