Chapter 7

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Manuel POV

I almost had to stifle my grin. I could hardly believe my luck.
Now I really owed Rico something. I wouldn't have found her without the internship. Francesca, Medusa from the weekend. I formed a half-grin as I looked over at her. We drove to the other agency in silence, but there was something unspoken between us.

She looked breathtaking. She wore her hair in a tight bun and her sexy body was clad in a brown skirt and rust-coloured blouse. Her outfit hardly showed any bare skin, which was a shame really.
She had also left the red lipstick at home and opted for a light nude colour.
She looked different from the weekend, more professionally put together.
My fingers itched to tear off her professional mask. To get her to show me her true, raw feelings.
I couldn't quite put the puzzle together either.
Was she taken? The ring on her finger clearly indicated that.
Her behaviour at the weekend was in contrast.
Well, I was also hard to resist and I wouldn't know what could be wrong with a bit of fun.

Medusa parked the car in front of the agency. We were greeted by a large glass building with an oversized "Angel Agency" sign. The car park alone was already bigger than our staff building.
They must be doing well.
I was actually waiting for her to talk about the weekend. I didn't like her buttoned-up manner at all. Just because I already had a look behind the scenes.
I quickly got out of the car and held the front door open for her. My parents had brought me up to be a gentleman, of course.
I wanted to see her reaction to the action and couldn't help but grin cheekily when she walked past me with one eyebrow raised without comment.
I quickly followed her and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Miss Jones, didn't you want to talk to me about something else?" I teased her, because I was aware that she certainly didn't want to talk to me about it now.
She bit her lips briefly and my gaze followed her action.
Mmm. Were they still as soft as they were on Saturday?
I was itching to claim those lips for myself, here in front of everyone in the entrance hall, but I didn't want to lose my job on my first day.
"It would be good if we could keep Saturday to ourselves. It's not worth mentioning," she said bitingly and I felt the invisible slap she had given me.
Not worth mentioning?!
I probably needed to refresh her memory.
I didn't let her on how I felt about it and shrugged my shoulders with feigned indifference.
"Don't worry, Medusa. I keep private and business matters separate and like to keep it private," I countered confidently and left her standing there while I went to reception.
Who did she think I was? A little boy who would now go crying in the corner. Surely not. Two could play that game and I certainly wouldn't throw myself at her like a hopeless one. I liked my partners to be willing. But I was sure her behaviour was just for show.

I leaned heavily against the gleaming white reception desk and used all my charm.
"We're from the competition, but don't worry, it's not a robbery. We'd like to hand in something here."
Francesca quickly followed and rummaged in her bag while I gave the receptionist a seductive smile, which didn't go unnoticed by Francesca.
"That would be the most attractive mugging in history," laughed the lady at reception, who was very receptive to my flirting. I joined in with her laughter and could see Francesca briefly drop her mask and roll her eyes in annoyance.
Ha, got you!

I was just about to lean over to the lady and ask her for her name when Francesca slammed the memory card on the counter a little too energetically.
"Can you call Russel, please? He's already waiting for us. Oh, and would Angél perhaps have a moment, I'd like to say hello to him."
The lady at reception gave me a quick wink and immediately picked up the phone.
Angèl? Like in Angel Event Agency?
If she was on first name terms with the guy, then there was more than just competition between them, wasn't there?

Shit. I cursed myself for having paid so little attention to the realities of the industry. Who was the competition? Who knew who? But I was too busy fantasising about a certain person at the weekend.  A person who had just given me the cold shoulder.

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