Chapter 17

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Francesca POV

My stomach was fluttering and my whole body was vibrating. I drove to Manuel's address by car and had got up far too early this morning to change my clothes what felt like 100 times.
I had decided to go with him to Encanto this afternoon and was amazed to realise that I really wanted to be part of it. It was very difficult for me to choose an outfit. What did you wear to go out with people in their early 20s?
What had Manuel told his friends?
Did they know that we were working together and that I was his boss?
Did they know about the deal?

I somehow felt like it was no longer casual. Getting to know your friends was something serious, wasn't it? Didn't that also somehow violate our agreement to spend time together informally? I had a strange feeling, this slight nervousness that Manuel felt too attached. What if he wanted more? The idea of breaking up with Carlo was still on my imaginary table and I hadn't completely discarded it yet, but did I want to and could I even be with Manuel then?
I wanted to feel that passion, that deep love between two people and the slight freedom you felt at the beginning, but what would the future look like? I wanted to feel a deep connection, everything that I had lost with Carlo in the ten years of our relationship.

I lacked support for my professional goals, but I couldn't and didn't want to pass all the emotional baggage onto Manuel just like that. I had realised this last night while I hadn't been able to sleep. The afternoon with Angèl had set the carousel of thoughts in motion and it had inevitably continued to spin. If my arrangement with Manuel came to light, I could say goodbye to my hard-won job. I had to keep reminding myself of this, no matter how much Manuel captivated me. I tried to calm my nerves as I turned into the street.

His brother had already left for his late night shift and we wanted to eat something together before meeting up with the others at Enanto.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find a parking space right outside the door, so I had to park my car two streets away. My outfit consisted of beige flared trousers, white trainers and a white shirt. I had tied my hair up with a hair clip and left fringes out at the front. As I didn't want to stand out too much, I decided to wear subtle make-up and left the red lipstick at home for once.
Manuel and his brother also lived in a block of flats, but the building seemed to be a lot newer than my flat. The lifts took you directly to the flat entrance and each flat seemed to have its own floor.
I knocked cautiously on the door and told Manuel that I was at the door.
I wanted to avoid the risk that Manuel's brother might open the door for me or, worse still, that I might bump into Rico here.
After what felt like an eternity, the door opened and a beaming Manuel, dressed in grey trousers and a black T-shirt, stood opposite me. His hair was still slightly damp and curled seductively.
His smile so wide and bright that it rivalled the suns. My tense posture relaxed and with a flourish I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him fiercely. His smile and his aura, he really was Mr Sunshine.

He greedily returned the kiss and took the opportunity of my gasping to slide his tongue into my mouth.
His body heat enveloped me in a cosy softness and he tasted of sweet lemons. I leant against him dreamily. Grinning, he broke away from the kiss and stroked my lips with his thumb.

"Good morning to you too. I could get used to these Sunday visits," he admitted with a grin.
"Come on, I'll show you round the flat first."
Manuel nodded inside the flat and I followed him.
"Wow. It's very nice, everything."
The flat was very bright. Large, white tiles ran uniformly throughout the flat. The kitchen was gleaming in white with a kitchen island and everything looked very expensive and well designed.
Manuel's room was only sporadically furnished with a bed and a clothes rail as a wardrobe.
"Your brother must like it very tidy."
"Yes. He always has to check everything. It's nice here, but a bit too sterile and impersonal. My brother is happy when he comes home after work that he can just come home to a tidy flat. It kind of relaxes him. I also stick to his rules and am very grateful that I can live here for free. But I'm looking forward to having my own home soon and living out my style. I already know exactly what I want."
His eyes sparkled as he spoke. I realised with approval that I had never seen him talk about anything with such passion and it was nice to get to know this side of him.
"I've already conjured up some food. Let's eat." He put his hands on his hips and grinned so broadly that his little grin came to the fore.
How could anyone refuse him anything?


We stood outside the Encanto and I was well and truly full. Manuel had served up a hearty Cuban breakfast consisting of ham, omelette, various types of jam and bread. We were waiting for his group of friends, which he told me consisted only of men. None of them were currently in a steady relationship. Maybe it was their generation?
Suddenly I saw a group of black-haired boys coming towards us, a young, blonde girl in tow.
Manuel greeted his boys with a warm hug and introduced his friends to me as Alex and Max, the half-Spaniards. Like me, they had grown up with mixed cultures. However, they felt more at home in Spain than America. Lucas was the slightly narrower and taller of them all and known among them as the old Colombiano. The Colombian. Diego had the same complexion and hair colour as Manuel and was also Cuban. Together they were a colourful bunch of young Latinos. I felt like counterfeit money spending an afternoon with them. I was never that cool as a teenager.

After Manuel briefly introduced me as his girlfriend from Gallo and all the men clicked their tongues in recognition, Alex pointed the blonde lady in my direction.
"This is Mindy. I met her last night at El Gallo and since Manuel raves about the magic of El Gallo and took his favourite lady , who has his heart, with him today, I thought, why not?"
Manuel gave Alex a kick up the bum and I raised my eyebrow sceptically.
The lady who has his heart?
Had he told them more?
Meanwhile, Mindy came up to me and I didn't quite know how to greet this stranger? We stood awkwardly in front of each other for a moment, I held my hand out to her comically, while she fleetingly wrapped her arms around me in greeting.
Oh my goodness, I had no idea how to behave.

After a brief introduction, we took our table in the Encanto. The men and Mindy ordered a round of spirits and toasted to Sunday afternoon. I sipped my virgin mojito and shook my head inwardly.
Is that what you do in your early 20s?
Hanging out in a bar on a Sunday, drinking alcohol and chatting?
I had met Carlo in my early 20s, so I had never had the pleasure of experiencing the wild college life. But looking at the group here, I was a little sceptical about the experience.

Unfortunately, Mindy and I weren't on the same wavelength. It was difficult to talk to her. She was still so young and didn't quite know what she wanted to do with her life. She first studied philosophy and then wanted to spontaneously see where and what she wanted to do after her studies.
What advice should I give her? I was travelling with my 20-year-old affair. I was actually at an age for family planning and didn't know what to do myself.
So we actually kept quiet while the men did their best on stage in a good mood. For my part, I had decided to be the silent observer today. Seeing Manuel fooling around with his boys somehow stung my heart.
He's so young and exuberant and my conscience is like a little genie on my shoulders.
Did I really fit in?

After spending some time in the Encanto, the group decided to make a detour to the D'Angelo sandwich shop.
Mindy and Alex had a lively conversation about wild mafia theories and money laundering at the sandwich shop.
There were rumours that the mafia was behind the shop. I just rolled my eyes in amusement. Mafia or not, the sandwiches were the best I'd ever had. While I was savouring my tomato, mozzarella and rocket sandwich, Manuel looked at me with sparkling eyes. He must have been thinking about our first night at Encanto and the reason why we hadn't made it to the sandwich shop afterwards. While the sauce melted in my mouth, I was glad to have discovered this secret place. The flavour explosion alone made the afternoon a complete success.

Hello and happy Sunday. A Sunday chapter on Sunday. Only for you.
Happy Reading.
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