(5) Remember that name

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Hi wonderful people, how are you doing? I'm back with another chapter. I hope you are liking this story so far. I know I am having a lot of fun writing this.
I am writing in someone else's POV in this chapter. It's time you see this story through someone else's eyes.

 It's time you see this story through someone else's eyes

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He couldn't believe what the reporter just said. He glanced towards Ersheen and she was frozen, a glassy look in her eyes. This woman, this confident woman who doesn't hesitate to give it back to anyone and everyone suddenly looks like the scared, scared girl who lost her soul 10 years ago. And that is just unacceptable, he thought to himself. He had enough of this shameless, characterless behavior and was about to say something when...

She starts walking up towards the reporter. Standing in front of her, she towered over her by a lot of height. The little reporter had to move her neck all the way back just to look her in the eyes.

"What did you say to me?" Her voice was cold enough to freeze anything, even in this sweltering heat.

'That's my best friend' he thought to himself as he saw her taking care of the trash herself.

It looked like the little reporter finally caught on to the fact that she couldn't intimidate Ersheen and looked around for support but found none within her colleagues.

But guessing by her words and what she did next, she wasn't exactly the most competent person in the world.

"You think you can intimidate me like this huh? What are you going to do huh, beat me? come'on, beat me! Show me just how much of a badass you really are!" She really tried to get in face, her nose almost touching Ersheen's, trying to get some reaction out of her.

But Ersheen being the badass that she was, just scoffed and kept a stoic almost bored face.

She raised her left eyebrow at her as if to say 'really? You're challenging me?'


A shout from behind the reporters silenced everyone in the studio. The reporters turned around and saw this older man with fury in his eyes, hands clenched, as if controlling himself from smashing their faces. The reporter, as if recognizing who he was, takes a step back from Ersheen.

Sidhan himself gulped, knowing very well what extent this guy's anger can go.

Looking back at Ersheen, he suddenly sees a serene smile on her face.

"What's my name?" She asks her, now casually crossing her arms across her torso.

When she doesn't reply back, she taunts back; "Not so confident are we now?" tilting her head, her smile maintained.

Taking one step closer to the reporter, she puts her head close to her ear and loudly whispers; "it's Ersheen f-ing Mahid. remember that name when I'm done with you." making Sid almost want to hoot and cheer for her.

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