It's About Damn Time

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Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, dominant!louis, smoking (weed/cigarettes), drinking alcohol, hair pulling, slight choking, biting, unprotected sex, oral, (both), praising, filth 

Your alarm goes off and you roll out of bed. Louis has a show today, and show days, are busy. You take a shower, blow dry your hair and walk out to get dressed. There's a knock on your door and you walks over, still in your towel you open the door.

There stands Louis.

His eye brows lift up and he smirks, "Good morning, gorgeous."

A blush rises on your cheeks and you tighten your grip on the towel, "Thank you."

"Just making sure you're up." Louis eyes flick up and down from your body to your eyes.

"Almost am."

He nods, "Alright." He winks and walks away. You shut the door and let out a sigh, "Fuck." You whisper to yourself.

You're very good at keeping your composure around Louis, but in all reality it's hard because he makes you extremely nervous and instantly turned on.

You absolutely adore him. You can tell there's something between you two. Has been since day one, honestly. He's always got his eyes on you. Trying to subtly tease you. He knows what he tries to do, and he knows that it gets you.

Every time. No matter what he does.

You get dressed, comfy for breakfast and then sound check and stuff. You'll dress up for the show tonight. You always do, and Louis loves it.

He loves that you are comfortable enough to bum it around him, and the fact that you wear his merch hoodies is even hotter to him. He also loves that you dress up for his show in outfits that show just the right amount of skin in all the right places.

You slip on your shoes and grab your backpack and camera bag. You slip your phone into your hoodie pocket and walk out. You go down to the lobby and everyone is standing there deciding on where to go.

"Ah, there she is." Louis teases.

"Oh stop it." You roll your eyes and walk over to him, "What's going on?"

"They're trying to figure out where they want food from."

"Oh, I see. We'll I'm going to the bus. I need to look at my cameras settings." You give him a smile and walk out of the hotel doors. You make your way around to the buses and Louis' voice causes you to stop walking.

"Hey, y/n." Louis jogs up to catch up with you.

"What's up, Tommo?" You smirk at the nickname and he smiles, "I wanted to see if you cared where we order from?"

You shake your head, "Uh, no. I don't really mind. Where ever is fine with me." You reach out and pluck the cigarette from his lips and put it between your own.

"You know that's bad for you, right?" You smile as you hold in the smoke before blowing it out.

He laughs and points to you, "You know that's bad for you, too. Yeah?"

You take another puff before handing it back to him, "So?" You smirk and blow out the smoke before walking away.


"You like the hoodie?" Louis asks walking up next to you. You look up from your camera and smile at him, "I love it. It's super comfy."

"good, yeah no I like that one too." He takes out his cigarettes and tilts it towards you. You smirk and reach over and take one. You rest it between your lips and he brings the lighter up for you.

Louis Tomlinson Dirty ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now