Across the Arena

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Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, alcohol consumption, flirting, super cute fluff beginning/end, unprotected sex, cream pie, oral (F), fingering, hair pulling, biting, filth

Y/fbf/n -> your friends boyfriends name

Y/f/n -> your friends name

"Are you guys ready yet?" Y/fbf/n says leaning against the door frame.

You look over your shoulder, "You can't rush perfection."

He rolls his eyes, "You can if you don't want to miss a free concert."

You sigh and shake your head, laughing, "Hey, those are my tickets. I didn't have to bring you."

You got tickets from your close friend, Niall. He's doing some shows and teasers for his new album that's coming out.

"Don't listen to him, we have plenty of time." Y/f/n smiles and continues to do her makeup.


You arrive at the venue and walk in. You're greeted by someone at the door and Niall cuts them off, "They're with me!"

Excitement fills your body as the security guard moves and you see Niall for the first time in two years.

"Ah! Oh my god!" You hug him and bounce up and down, "I'm so proud of you!"

He smiles and shakes his head, "Oh stop it." He looks up at your friends, "Hello."

"Niall, this is y/f/n and y/fbf/n, her boyfriend."

Niall reaches out to shake each of their hands, "Ni, I'm Niall."

He moves back to you, "Come on, I'll show you around."

You follow Niall around the arena, talking with him and catching up. It's going great until you walk away to grab a drink. You turn back around and see Niall standing close with your friends, "Secrets don't make friends."

Niall laughs, "Yeah, no you're right Um." He glances over at y/f/n then back to you, "We were just trying to get the last minute plans together for your birthday dinner tomorrow."

You squint and tilt your head, "Believable." You laugh and look at Niall, "If you're talking about Louis, it's fine."

He shakes his head and checks his phone, "Actually, I haven't heard from him a day, so. I don't even know if he's coming." Niall looks up at you, "If I would have known, you know I would have told you."

You nod, "Yeah no. I know."

You and Louis dated for a little while then broke up because of him wanting to focus on his solo career and you headed off to start your own business that is now very successful.

You miss Louis, honestly.

A part of you now feels like you guys could make it work, but another part of you is nervous because it's been so long and time goes on. You wanted to know if he's seeing anyone, but you didn't want to be upset the whole show, so you decided to distract yourself until then.

"Hey, anyone hungry?"


You grab a drink at the bar and make your way to the vip section of the pit with your friends. You smile and look around at all the people who came to support Niall. You knew him for years before the x factor. He's the one who actually introduced you to Louis.

Only after years of flirting and not facing up to the fact that there was chemistry there, you finally decided to give it a go. It was going great for the longest time. You and Louis were inseparable until you couldn't seem to find a solution involving your career paths.

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