Morning Activities

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Louis had been working extremely hard lately. You haven't seen your best friend in many days and had enough. One day, you came over to his studio and scolded him for always working so much. You knew how big of a toll took constant working and overworking on him, and you had enough.

You proposed a little getaway, and he agreed, under one condition. He would pay.

And that's how you found yourself leaving on a two-week vacation to Italy.

The London airport was full of people. You and Louis were both extremely surprised, considering it was the middle of the week. You waited at the check-in for a few minutes, put your bags down, and immediately went through the security to get to the gate. You sat down on the uncomfortable plastic chairs in front of it and looked at the clock. You had about 30 minutes before it would open.

"I'm going to get some water, do you want something?" Louis asked.

"Buy me something sweet," you smiled up at him, and he nodded.

He walked off, and you tapped the screen of your phone, waking it up. You scrolled through your phone for a few minutes, before Louis came back, holding a bag of some candy you'd never seen before.

"Let's try this one, I've never seen it before," Louis called out, referring to the brand of the candy.

He sat down beside you, carefully opened the package, and offered you the bag, wanting you to go first. You plopped one into your mouth and smiled, to show that you were satisfied with the taste.

"Thank you," you mumbled out through the food in your mouth.

"F'course flower, anything for you," he kissed the side of your head, before he picked one of the candies, and plopped it into his mouth, as you continued to wait for your flight.


About two and a half hours later, you successfully landed in Italy. The airplane ride was okay, you watched a movie on your phone, and were a makeshift pillow for Louis. You didn't fly with him often, but when you did, you always ended up being a pillow for him. You always teased him whenever he returned from an airport, asking how long he slept on the plane, knowing full well he couldn't keep his eyes open even on the first hour of the flight.

As soon as the plane was high enough to open your seatbelts, Louis planted his head on your shoulder, mumbling something about his favorite pillow. You only chuckled, shaking your head. You continued watching the movie, knowing Louis was looking as well. You tilted your head and rested the side of it against the top of his head, nestled into the soft mop of hair.

In just a few minutes, you could feel his whole body rise and fall with the rhythm of his soft breathing, already sleeping. You gently took the blanket on his lap and tucked it around him, in an effort to keep him warm, in case he woke up cold.

You rested your head against his again, settling into his side, watching the rest of the movie.


"Oh lord, it's too hot here," you flapped your hands around your face, as you got out of the plane, already feeling the hot weather get to you, even if it was only around lunchtime. You quickly took your baggage, and immediately left the airport in the back of a taxi. The hotel you were staying at wasn't very far from the airport, only about a 15-minute ride. The hotel was beautiful. It was built on a little cliff, overlooking the blue sea, with a large fence around it, to grant its guests the highest privacy possible.

The hotel, Marina, was mostly visited by famous rich people, who craved vacation, but also some privacy, and this hotel was something that offered it all. The taxi drove you through the gate, all the way to the front entrance, where Louis' friend, Milo, who owned the hotel, would be waiting for you, to check you in, and catch up with Louis.

Louis Tomlinson Dirty ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now