Chapter Twenty-One

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Lachlan Cirillo. Handsome, dark-haired, and olive-skinned, with a beautiful smile, a large circle of friends and a talent for trouble. That's what Sophie remembers about Lachlan from high school.

Sitting behind the bay window of an artistic hybrid café, Sophie's eyes are fixed on the exterior façade of the Mexican restaurant across the street. Brianne places a coffee in a takeaway cup in front of her and takes the seat next to her.

"So that was an interesting coincidence," she states in a tone that Sophie can't interpret.

"What do you think the odds of them working together at the same restaurant are?" Sophie asks.

"Pretty damn low," Brianne says bluntly. "They weren't friends in high school and we all grew up miles from here."

"But possible, right?"

Brianne takes a sip of her coffee and watches Sophie carefully for a moment. "What are you thinking?"

Sophie lets out a long, slow breath, and tries to find her words. "I guess I'm thinking that... if Luke is behind all this stalking stuff, then the odds of him working in the exact same place as Lachlan seems a little... frightening."

"Strongly agree. And if it's not him that's behind it all?"

Sophie considers. "Then it has to be a coincidence, right?"

"I can't think of another reason."

They lapse into silence as they both stare at the lone wooden door across the street flanked by bright posters and flamboyant signage. Suddenly, it looks like a beacon for bad behaviour and evildoers.

"So. What's our next move then?" Sophie finally asks.

"I hate to say it, but I think we are going to have to wait until he comes back out."

Sophie looks desolately across the street. "But that's going to be hours."

"I know. But I don't see another option. We don't know where he lives, and we can't ask Jenna or anyone else he knows in case he finds out. We also can't talk to the police about it, as we have no reasonable reason to suspect him. This is the only way to figure out if it's him." Brianne sits back in her chair and crosses her legs, coffee cup nestled in her lap and a frown on her face.

Sophie sighs. "Okay, I see your point. But what are we going to do here for the rest of the afternoon? Should we get someone to bring us our laptops? Then we could at least study while we're waiting."

"Did you forget that we're stalking Jenna's boyfriend? Who are we going to ask?"

"Oh, right." Sophie shakes her head, mortified. "I really need some sleep."

"I think you need a break, is what you need. A break from your crazy, emotional rollercoaster of a life this last year." Brianne smiles almost sadly at her. "You're also having nightmares."

Sophie looks at her friend and then looks away. "Sorry, I didn't realise it was waking you up."

"It's not," Brianne assures her, placing her hand over Sophie's briefly and squeezing gently. The gesture is so out of character for Brianne that Sophie feels tears instantly well in her eyes. Evidently the excitement from the day is starting to wear off and reality returning.

"There is another option if you can't last the next six to eight hours hanging out here."

"What's that?"

"You could talk to Lachlan."

Sophie considers this. She could talk to Lachlan. It might even be nice to catch up with him. Although what would she say? And how awkward would it be to ask Lachlan questions about Luke...

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