Chapter Eight

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"It's Jonas,"

"No, it's not."

"Of course its him."

Sophie listens to the back and forth without responding. Her eyes are on the ground as the three of them saunter down the street. She watches her nude heels, listening to the satisfying click they make on the footpath. Her thoughts are scattered, irretrievable, the sensation is overwhelmingly soothing.

"Why would it be him?" Jenna asks, her tone is amused. Jenna and Brianne are often amused by each other, or more often bewildered, looking at each other through glass.

Brianne snorts by way of a response. She doesn't really have a reason; she is simply a cynic by nature.

Sophie looks up as she hears music floating on the air. Its Friday night and they are headed out. She catches sight of their reflection in the dealership window as they pass, all she sees are bare legs and bright dresses. She smooths the cobalt material over her hips, wondering why she hasn't worn this gorgeous floral strapless in so long. It doesn't take long to make the connection to Evan.

Of course. He had loved this dress.

Sophie forces out a long, tortured sigh. She sees young people spilling out of a bar up ahead. If she could do one thing right this week, perhaps it should be to have some fun tonight. A familiar smile tugs at the corner of her mouth. It feels foreign and forgotten, but sensational.

Lighting up the street corner, the old hotel bursts at the seams every weekend. Presenting their IDs and slipping into the bar, the music and warmth hits Sophie flush in the face. She breathes in beer and perfume. The space is bigger than it looks on the outside. The bar curls around the room and into the next, music thumping from a DJ booth in the back.

Jenna's slender frame promptly disappears into the crowd, in search of the new boyfriend. Brianne makes a beeline for the bar, pulling glances in her purple one shoulder dress and blonde hair trailing down her back. Effortlessly striking. Sophie's smile grows. She had forgotten how fun it is to go out with Brianne. With her nonchalant don't care attitude, hiding a somewhat terrifying exuberance, like at any moment she could turn into anyone or anything. She gave the night possibility.

Brianne turns from the bar with two vodka sodas in hand, small lime wedges dancing amongst the ice cubes. "Drink fast, we're going dancing." She pushes a glass into Sophie's hand and turns to survey the teeming dancefloor.

Sophie is trying to remember the last time she has been dancing. Really dancing. With little regard to who was watching. She manages to down her drink faster than Brianne, something of a feat, and heads directly into the swarming bodies. Squeezing between people, anchoring on to the pulsing music, she pushes her way through and finds the middle of the floor. There is comfort in the midst of a delighted crowd. Brianne is right behind her.

They dance for close to forty-five minutes before, sweating and short of breath, heading back to the bar in search of a drink. Sophie can barely contain her exhilaration. Flushed and pleased with herself, she orders two drinks, and turns to Brianne. "I've missed that."

Brianne, who looks barely ruffled from the tightly packed dancefloor, smiles. "I can see that!"

Jenna pounces on them immediately. "Where have you two been?" Her tone is more excitable than usual, and her smile much less restrained.

Sophie hands Brianne her drink, and brings her own to her lips, and then stops. A tall handsome boy is close behind Jenna. Sophie glances at him, confused and startled. There is a moment of bewilderment as she tries to place someone from her past into her present.

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