Chapter Twenty-Two

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After waiting twenty minutes for a table beside one of the large arched windows facing the street, Jonas finally waves to Sophie from the doorway of the hotel. Sophie is standing outside, where she has been doggedly eyeing the door across the street with a mixture of fear and impatience.

She walks inside the old hotel, noting the uber-modern interior with a second glance and immediately grateful for the dimmed lights from the sleek black chandeliers. She is wildly underdressed. The smell of garlic is coming from the kitchen, and she catches the scent of red wine as she passes a table.

Jonas is waiting beside a table not far from the front entrance. He stands and waits until she sits before he slides into the seat opposite her. Sophie feels suddenly nervous. This almost felt like a date. She finds herself staring into Jonas's face, unable to break eye contact. There is a very long moment where they just watch each other before Sophie breaks the connection and her attention snaps back to the street. Her heart is beating a little too rapidly, and she doesn't look in Jonas's direction again until her emotions are back under control.

Their table is positioned directly beneath a tall arched window, and Sophie can easily see the Mexican restaurant, although from this distance it will be harder to see the faces of the people going in and out.

Jonas disappears to the bar to get them some drinks, and Sophie tries not to follow him with her eyes but fails. Jonas's self-confidence is unassuming and effortless, something she has never noticed before. He looks comfortable and relaxed, whereas Sophie feels high-strung and vaguely unhinged.

He returns with a beer for himself and a vodka lime and soda for Sophie. Sophie tries not to react but can't help the pleasure of noting that he knows what drink she likes without having to ask her. He hands her a menu. "Are you hungry?"

"Oh yes," she says and smiles. God this felt like a date.

Sophie insists on paying for their meals and orders for them both when the waiter appears. She finds herself passionately wishing she was wearing something nicer than tights and a baggy t-shirt. Good lord, she groans to herself, this is not the time for a crush.

"Tell me about this guy we're waiting for," Jonas says when the waiter has gone.

Boy, this is going to be a weird conversation. With effort, Sophie refocuses on the reasons they are here and pushes away the emotions clouding her head. "His name is Luke Davis. We dated for about six months in high school." Sophie stops. Jonas raises his eyebrows. More. Okay. "He was really into golf, he played every second weekend, and then he used to work with his Dad on the other weekends for his cabinetry-making business." Sophie shrugs. "He was nice."

"No red flags?"

"No red flags."

"You broke up with him," he says. He's not asking a question.

"Why do you think that?"

Jonas pauses, before he says, "Because you don't seem upset that Jenna is dating him."

Sophie thinks about his words. Sure. "Fair enough, I suppose I'm not," she says. "I wonder if I should be more upset..?"

Jonas shrugs and smiles. "Was he upset?"

"Brianne seems to think that he was..." Sophie says, remembering their conversation. "But I don't remember it like that."

"And this is why you think it might be him? Because he's suddenly shown up again and is dating your housemate?"

"Given everything that's happening, he does stand out as the most suspicious."

They lapse into silence and stare out the window for a time, waiting for their food to arrive. It's a nice silence. Attempting to watch Jonas without making it obvious that she is watching Jonas, Sophie glimpses his profile from the corner of her eye. He looks deep in thought, his brow furrowed and his eyes slightly narrowed, watching the street.

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