Chapter Seven

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Jonas has dark hair, like Evan's, but shorter and neater. His skin is also fairer and being this close to him Sophie can see he has freckles across his nose. There is something quite attractive about Jonas, but Sophie can't pinpoint exactly what it is. Perhaps his eyes? They are incredibly warm. Nothing like Evan's.

He is talking, smiling a lot, but Sophie isn't listening. She is focused like a laser on the features of his face. Why? She has no idea. Has he seen her following him today? She doesn't think so. He appears quite delighted at running into her. Also, why? Is Jonas leaving her rose petals? The boy before her does not seem in any way unhinged. Perhaps just shy? Perhaps the 'stalker' assumption is over the top. Maybe it's just a shy guy trying to express himself?

Sophie tries to breathe normally. She feels less than normal. She just followed Jonas around all morning like a lunatic.

She watches his lips move but can't quite follow the words. Something about economics? Does he know what her next class is?

"Do you swim at Ithaca Pool?" Sophie interrupts Jonas mid-sentence. She is unable to stand it a moment longer. Her tone is a mixture of mild panic and curiosity. Will he lie?

He looks bewildered. "Yes." He says simply. "So do you."

Sophie's heart starts to flip flop. Is this the part when his true character leaches through the perfect facade? His gentleman's face contorts, changes, and suddenly he is someone else? Has she perhaps seen too many crime shows?

She is staring at him. He holds her eye, but there is a flicker of something. Unease? Or is it embarrassment?

"You've seen me there?" Sophie presses. Is this a mistake? She is pushing, and she is being too blunt.

Jonas is most definitely embarrassed this time. "No." He blushes a little. Sophie is bewildered. What is happening? Why is he embarrassed? "Your photo is on the wall." He finally clarifies.

Ahhh. The penny drops. So it is. The photo wall inside the entrance. Its filled with local swimmers. It was taken at the beginning of last year – an action shot of her pulling herself from the water in Lane Two. Surprisingly its quite a good photo. Is this why he's embarrassed? Sophie frowns. That photo is old, how does he know she still swims there?

"Also, Evan mentioned it." Jonas is incredibly reluctant to release this last piece of information.

The information gives Sophie an odd sensation of emotions. Embarrassment, exhilaration, confusion, relief. OK sure. She supposes it could have come up. None of this means that Jonas couldn't have broken into her locker though. Also, another more disturbing thought is, anyone could have seen that photo. It's a public pool.

"Why are you asking about the pool?" Jonas interrupts her quickly escalating paranoia.

Her attention snaps back to him. She wonders fleetingly if her eyes look crazy. Jonas certainly looks a little concerned suddenly.

"No reason." Sophie smiles, shakily. He looks unconvinced. To cover it up Sophie tries for a laugh. It comes out too wildly, and now there is an expression on his face that reads something like fright. Good lord, does she look mad?

Sophie takes a step back. Then a big deep breath.

She is not this person. She is calm, and level-headed, and reasonable. She is not the kind of person to lose their marbles over a few rose petals.

Another deep breath.

Sophie steadies her gaze, focuses on the boy before her. His eyes are such a bewildering shade of brown.

What does she want to gain from this awkward encounter? To find out if its him. She must ask. Sophie cringes inwardly. Just throw it out there, Sophie. Ask. Have you been following me around with rose petals? How self-important it suddenly sounds...

"Jonas!" An abrupt voice at her elbow startles Sophie, and she jumps. Who's the guilty one here? A girl she doesn't recognise is standing there. "Are you going to class now?" She smiles at Jonas however gives Sophie something of different look. She is very pretty, with shiny blond hair brushing her shoulders, and a perfectly delicate face.

Does Jonas have a girlfriend? Well doesn't this just get more and more awkward by the moment!

Jonas tears his confounded eyes away from Sophie. "Hey Emma. Yeah, headed there now." He says, giving the girl a warm smile.

He looks back at Sophie. "Environmental Econ." He says, looking apologetic. "Sorry I better get going."

Economics. Sophie winces internally. How truly self-obsessed she feels right now.

Sophie watches them go in a cloud of confusion. They could be dating. It's hard to tell. And if Jonas does in fact have a girlfriend, then it's unlikely he is the red rose giver. She feels shellshocked. What a bumbling mess she made of all that.

And did she even learn anything?

Sophie turns and walks the other way. Well if it is Jonas then he knows now that she suspects him. Not good. And if it isn't him then he undoubtedly thinks she is a fruitcake, and she's probably ruined whatever friendship could have been growing there. She sighs, exhausted.

Her instincts are telling her no, it's not him. But she dated Evan DeSanto, so what the hell good are her instincts?

She walks through the quadrangle. The sun on her back is phenomenal. It's like her bones are made of ice. She stops and tries to soak something more positive into her body. She shuts her eyes and breathes in fresh air and sunlight. There are roadblocks in her head. There have been for some time. Ever since Evan. But the sun is helping calm her, and the deep breaths are working.

Up until she notices the unpleasant tickling at the back of her neck.

Her eyes snap open, and her heart skips a beat. Is someone watching her?

The feeling intensifies.

Someone is watching her.

Sophie keeps walking. Quickly.  

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