2 | The Art of Peer Pressure

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Once again, me and the boys were at the lunch table having our normal conversations. There wasn't a day that went by where I didn't sit at the same lunch table as these goofy niggas, and just talked about stupid shit until it was time to go back to class.

Normally I just sat back and listened to the random shit that flew out of their mouths everyday, but today I actually had something to talk about.

I wanted to tell them about how me and Jordin ran into The Game yesterday, but of course, they didn't even let me get to the main point. As soon as I said 'Guess what happened yesterday after school', niggas started jumping to conclusions. They claimed that I was 'glowing', so they all of course thought that me and Jordin messed around. I did however tell them that we kissed, but that's all that was said.

The boys supported me in my rap dreams as friends, but they of course looked at me as if I was just another local rapper, 'rapping just for fun'.

After switching up the conversation, we ended up on a topic I would have never guessed to be on.

"Guess what," Xavier smiled. "It's important."

Everyone at the table, including me, all said 'What' in unison.

"Demetrius Moore is having a party Friday night."

"Nigga how the fuck is that important?" Light Switch asked.

"You know none of us at this table fuck with him. Including you!" I added.

"You don't remember his mom getting that job last week as the CEO of that building downtown?"

"So? What about it?" Band-Aid asked.

"That nigga has all the good shit in his crib!" Xavier whispered.

"Hold up. Nigga I know you not thinking what I think you are," said Leaf.

"I'm thinking we should go rob the nigga." he murmured.

"I'm in," Leaf replied.

They dapped each other up, then raised  Including me. I nearly spat out my Orange Faygo. They could not be serious right now. Have any of them heard of this place called jail? Xavier and Leaf both had to be. on one right now.

"Alright. Jokes over. Now what did you really have to tell us?" Band-Aid asked, taking the words right out of my mouth.

"I'm dead ass serious right now!" Xavier yelled.

"Xavier you do a lot of stupid shit, but this right here is the stupidest. The fuck is wrong with you? You know if Demetrius finds out, him and Ricardo are bound to come after you and kill your ass! That is if the cops don't catch you first!" Marcus semi yelled, semi whispered.

"Marcus has a point," I added.

"Man y'all some scary ass niggas. What happened to 'ride or dies'? Switch what about you? Are you in?"

"What's in it for me?" he asked.

"We'll split the money that we end up taking."

After about ten seconds of silence, Switch made up his mind, and said easy 'yes' without any type of second though what so ever.

Xavier then used Brandon's little sister to persuade him. Band-Aid had a 6 year-old little sister that needed a kidney transplant. His mom was a single parent, and barely made enough money to put food on the table. His family desperately needed the money to pay for the surgery of her transplant, and I guess bribing him with a cut of the money was the icing on the cake.

I of course was next, but I wasn't down for it.

"K. Dot I know you aren't the type to do shit like this, but can you at least be our look out? You don't even have to help steal the shit."

"I don't know man. I'm not trying to be caught up in some shit with y'all. Jail is not for me."

"I'll break you off a portion of the money if you do."

"Zai do you really think bribing me with some fucking money is gone work!? I don't give a fuck about that money! That's what the fuck I can get a job for! This is some illegal and dangerous ass shit you're talking about doing! I'm not trying to be like the rest of these niggas in Compton dead or in jail! I actually want to make something out of my life!"

I didn't mean to snap like that, but Zai could not be that fucking stupid. All of them can risk their life over some stupid shit if they want, but I'm definitely not going to be one of them.

"Kendrick dawg. Just think about it."

Before I could even respond, the sixth period bell rang, and everyone hurried to their next class.

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