12 | I'm Dying of Thirst ( part 2 )

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Kendrick POV

Tonight was just suppose to be a nice and relaxing day with Jordin, but of course Xavier had to call me with bad news. How could somebody I've known all my life be gone within a matter of seconds?

If it wasn't for Demetrius bitch ass, Marcus would still be here. I swear next time I see that nigga, it's over for him. Marcus was the brother I never had, and the only person who ever had my back and understood me besides Jordin. If a nigga got a problem with one of us, then they have a problem with both of us.

I guess I wasn't the only one who seeked revenge, because Xavier called me an hour later with a whole plan thought of.

The only thing that I knew would take my mind off of all of the shit was my music. I told Jordin I was off to the studio, and I would probably be there all night. She understood, and told me to call her if I needed anything.

I took that into huge consideration, because one thing I can say about Jordin is she's down for anything. Y'all didn't think I forgot about Sherane did y'all?

When I got to the studio, I wasn't surprised to see the boys already there working on music. Since I texted Xavier the address, he should also be here in about 20 minutes.

"Aye what up nigga?" Q greeted me as I closed the studio door behind me.

"Hey," I replied as I took a sigh.

"Nigga wassup with you?"

"I just found out my friend died," I replied.

"Oh, I'm sorry fam."

"It's cool."

"How did he die?" Soul asked me.

"Some bitch nigga killed him," I replied as I took a seat on the couch.

"Aw hell no! What nigga do I need to go kill for you cuz?" Rock asked me as he rubbed his hands together.

Jay Rock is the type of nigga down for anything. Growing up, he was involved in the streets, and was never afraid to put someone in check if they ever crossed the line.

"Would you really want to be apart of the plan me and his brother are coming up with?" I asked.

"Shit, anything for my brothers."

"Well I invited his brother here, so he should be here in a few minutes to talk out this plan," I replied as I took my phone from out of my pocket.

"I'm done for what ever too fam. I'm still a Hoover Crip if I need to be," Q added.

"Thanks man," I laughed.

"K. Dot you wanna come hit this? You look pretty stressed out bruh. This will make you feel better," Soul said as he lit up the blunt that he had just rolled.

"Why not," I shrugged as I made my way over to him to take a hit. Seconds later we heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," Rock yelled as he took a seat on the couch next to me and Soul.

Xavier suddenly walked through the door with a wave of sadness plastered across his face. You could tell he had been previously crying just by how red and puffy is eyes were.

"I'm here," he sighed as he took a seat down on the couch across from us. "Hey everybody."

"Wassup," the guys replied in unison.

"Xavier, this is Q, Soul, and Rock - y'all, this is my friend brother. His name was Marcus by the way," I introduced them.

Xavier quickly dapped everyone up as he let out a long sigh.

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