8 | The Recipe / Sing About Me ( I'm Dying of Thirst ) pt. 1

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After taking a shower, and throwing on my favorite Power Ranger shirt and some sweats, I quickly slipped on my house slippers, grabbed my phone, and raced down the stairs.

It was a Saturday, and I had nothing planned. Today was the prefect day for cartoons and cereal. Well actually, every day is a perfect day for cartoons and cereal. That combination could never get old.

Once downstairs and in the kitchen, I opened the cupboard to get out a box of Fruity Pebbles, then proceeded to retrieve some milk from the refrigerator.

Only to be disappointed.

The refrigerator had everything but milk. What type of fuckery was this? Cereal but no milk? My whole mood changed and I instantly got shitty. I slammed the refrigerator door shut, put the Fruity Pebbles back, then slammed the cupboard shut.

"Kendrick what the h-ll is wrong with you?" moms asked me as she suddenly walked through the kitchen with a concerned look on her face.

"We have cereal but no milk. That's what's wrong!" I replied pointing at the refrigerator.

She chuckled as she reached in to her bra.

"Kendrick you act like a big ass kid when it comes to your cereal. Get ya' d-mn milk and get me some Newport's while you at it will you?"

She took out a twenty dollar bill from her bra and handed it to me. I rolled my eyes as I took the crumpled up bill from her hand. Her bra was basically her purse. She put everything in there!

You name it, her bra had it.

"Ma' you know smoking is bad for you," I said as I stuffed the money inside my pocket.

"I know Kendrick, I know. I'll stop soon. I promise."

"Ma' you say that every time."

"I know, I know. Kendrick just go buy the shit before I change my mind."

She handed me the keys to her Caravan before I sped up the stairs to get my house key, then I was out.

Once inside the store, I was surprised at how empty it was. Especially on a Saturday! I was here for one thing, and one thing only. Well two things if you count moms cigarettes that she didn't need.

I wonder if she wanted her change back.

Twenty dollars was obviously more than enough for a jug of milk and a pack of Newport's.

They had so many sales going on at the moment, and the snacks were just calling my name! I swear the Chester the Cheeto man was staring straight at me when I walked past the chip aisle. Then to make matters worst, Fred and Barney was just mocking me when I went down the cereal aisle!

"Kendrick?" I heard someone behind me say.

I quickly spun around to see no one other than Jordin standing behind me with a huge grin on her face. Her long, dark brown hair was pulled up into a cute little messy bun, and she had not an ounce of make-up on - just the way I liked to see her. She had on a pair of sweat pants, and how ironic was it that her shirt had Power Rangers on it?

Power Rangers was both me and Jordin's favorite cartoon.

Me and Jordin could just sit up under each other, on the couch, watching re-runs of Power Rangers all day. We would even have arguments over which one was better! I was on Jason's team, and she was on Kimberley's just because that specific ranger was a girl, and was pink.

Females these days.

"Nigga I know you was not just staring at that box of Fruity Pebbles like you haven't ate in a month," she laughed.

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