4 | Poetic Justice

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The ride to Jordin's house was quiet.

She had this pissed off look on her face, and I didn't even want to bother her. I had already done enough. I'm lucky she even picked me up. Jordin puts up with so much of my bull shit, sometimes I question why we aren't in a relationship. We argue like a married couple, but turn around and love each other the next minute.

As soon as we pulled up to her house, she turned the car off, and proceeded to give me a piece of her mind.

"Kendrick you owe me. Big time! It's two o'clock in the fucking morning and you woke me up out of my damn sleep! For that, you aren't going home. You're just going to have to crash at my crib. I'm getting the rest of my sleep. You lucky I love your ass. You would have stayed right where you were until you found somebody else to come pick you up."

"I really appreciate you picking me up Jordin. I love you too, but please calm down," I replied wiping away her tears.

She was so mad, the tears came naturally.

"My parents love you and all, but they're going to kill me for picking your ass up this early in the morning! You know we have to go to church in a few hours!"

"I know. I know. Just please calm down JoJo," I replied, continuing to wipe her tears.

We sat in silence for a few moments before she finally said something.

"Got me looking like a damn fool," she chuckled, "I'm the only person who should be seeing me like this. I look like who did it and way, and I hate crying in front of people. It makes me look weak."

She had on her red and black Mickey Mouse pajamas, a purple hair scarf, and her favorite bright orange house slippers. She had bags under her eyes, and tears were still falling from her face.

"JoJo you're perfect just the way you are."

I had a strong urge to kiss her, so that's just what I did. I placed my finger underneath her chin and pulled her closer as I crashed my lips on hers. I brushed my tongue across her bottom lip, and shockingly, responded almost immediately by letting me in. My free hand crept around her waist, and she placed both arms around my neck. Our tongues wrestled for what seemed like hours, before I pulled away out of breath.


She raised an eyebrow up at me as she caught her breath.

"I was thinking .." I started as I caressed one of her thighs.

"Kendrick don't beat around the bush. Just be real with me," she replied.

"I was thinking .. about us."

"What about us?"

"As in our relationship. What's up with the whole 'best friend' thing? Am I the only one that has feelings?"

She sighed as she took her key out of the ignition.

"Kendrick I honestly don't know. I just need time to think. We're moving too fast."

"So, what? We're just best friends with benefits?" I half chuckled to myself.

"Kendrick I just need time."

"You know what. Just forget I even said anything."

I sung open the passenger door, and quickly shut it behind me. She quickly got out the car and closed the car door behind her. She then proceeded to lock the doors, and rush after me.

"Kendrick I'm sorry!" she said, grabbing my hand.

"Please just unlock the door. I just want to sleep right now. Besides, what happened to you complaining about how tired you are?" I replied shaking my hand from her grip.

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