7 | Compton

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Kendrick's POV

After I got pops his Domino's he was whining about, I felt that it was the perfect time to release some stress that I had built up inside me.

I quickly ran up the steps to my bedroom and pulled out my box chest. I carried the chest, picking up my box stereo on the way - over to the window, propped it open, and climbed out. I had a little ledge outside my window that led up to the roof, and I occasionally climbed my way up when ever I needed to just clear my head.

The roof had to be be far the best part of the dump I called 'home'. Don't get me wrong, I love it here, I just want something different you know?

I opened up the chest and got out my weed kit. I set everything up - broke it up, rolled it, lit it, and pretty soon I felt better about everything that I was previously stressing over. It felt so good to be stress free, even if it WAS temporary.

I grabbed one of the three cd's, mixtape rather, that I kept inside the chest, and popped it into the player.

Truly Yours - It was by far my favorite mixtape out of the group, and ironically it only had five songs on it. I skipped to number two - Crunch Time, took a deep breath as I gazed up at the stars, and let my thoughts take over.

It was the perfect song to set the mood and how I was currently feeling.

I wish my music could just get out to the right people and I would be the happiest person alive. I should have known that The Game wasn't going to ever call me back. It seems like I'm just like the rest of these niggas wanting to be rappers and rise up out the hood. I'm ready to just give up on this music shit and go to school to be a doctor like my parents want me to.

Parent's know best right? Wait, is that even the saying? I think it's mom knows best, or - shit I don't know.

But the only thing worse than death is a regret filled coffin. I don't wanna' be that nigga sitting in the coffin saying to myself 'what would have happened if I never would have gave up on the music shit?'. I'm not having that. At least I'll be able to say I tried right? Giving up wouldn't be any fair to me, or the people that supported me.

Especially Jordin.

She's been the main person supporting me and believing in me when no one else did. When I blow up, I'm paying back to my city, and my family, but most importantly her. I owe everything back to her. At least I feel like I do. Right now we aren't at the best terms, but we're getting there. When I saw her earlier at Domino's, I didn't know what to feel. I just wanted to scream and tear up everything in that restaurant. Me not being able to talk to her is just slowly tearing me apart. I miss her nagging on me, and pushing me to be the best that I can be.

I miss her arguing with me and putting up with my shit when no one else would. I miss her smile, her scent, her small petite body against mine - God she gave the best hugs, her calling me Duck - I chuckled even by the thought of it. Shit, I miss everything about her. Me, Kendrick, getting teary-eyed over a girl? Shit, fuck it. I love her and nothing will ever change that. I just wish she could see that.

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