Daryl and Danni

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I woke up to the sound of rustling behind me, I grabbed my small pocket knife from my boot and turned around, Daryl came out of the bushes, I sighed in relief "didn't mean to wake you" he said in his gruffly morning voice "its okay" I replied.

We'd been walking for hours before I said the first word that'd come out of either of out mouths for a good couple of hours "Daryl" I said, still walkibg just behind him "mhm" he replied "Are we looking for them?" I said, slowing down slightly "mhm" he replied, still walking full speed ahead. We found a small old shak-house later on, I was sitting on the porch area, on the top step, I stood up and looked at the vast fields, thinking to myself how pretty they were, I started to walk out into them, feeling the tall grass on my finger tips, the sun on my face, the warm wind blowing my hair slightly, before getting interrupted by Daryl "where the hell d'you think your goin'" I turned to Daryl "I'm just walkibg a bit" I said before continuing "nah you ain't, come back" I stopped In my tracks "Daryl, I'm going on a walk for a bit, I'll be fine. I can take care of myself." I said, before turning around to face him "the hell you can, member how we found your sorry ass?" I gave Daryl an annoyed look before turning around and walking away "fuck you Daryl" I said, picking up my pace "whatever" I heard him mutter behind me.

A few hours later I saw a big mansion type thing, I thought to myself there must be some sort of alcohol in there and I could really do with some right now. Lost in my thoughts I didn't realise the two walkers behind me, one grabbed my arm, I turned quickly and stabbed it in the head, the second one pushed me down with the walker on top of me, it was scratching at my arms and trying to bite me, I managed to reach over and stab it through the head, I heard a rustle to my right and without hesitation pulled my knife out of the walkers head and through it in that direction, I saw Daryl duck, my knife going straight over his head and hitting the tree behind him, I layed my head down "hey daryl" Daryl walked over, about to pull the walkers off of me "I got it" I said quickly "alright" he said before leaning against a small tree watching me, I pushed and pushed but the walkers wouldn't budge, I looked over to Daryl, he raised his eyebrows and nodded his head to the walkers, I nodded yes in reply, he came over and dragged them off of me before giving me his hand, I grabbed his and and pulled myself up "thanks" I said before walking past him and pulling my small knife out of the tree, as I turned around I saw him walking towards me, I walked past him "hey where you goin?" He asked "to get alcohol, coming?" Daryl stood for a moment before nodding.

We made it into the mansion and found a room FULL of wine, I grabbed a bottle and poured myself a glass, I was about to take a sip before I looked over to Daryl, I put the glass down and sat on a small stall "what's wrong? Never drunk before?" He asked "it's not that, I just, wish it was better alcohol to be honest" I replied, me and Daryl left and went back to the shak-house, I was still annoyed I wasn't drunk but maybe it was for the best, we walked into the garage, I was looking around before hearing Daryl say "hey elle, moonshine" I turned to him "what's that?" Daryl scoffed and marked slightly, taking a swig of the bottle of moonshine "this is the good shit" he handed me the bottle, I took a sip before coughing a bit "jeses Daryl" Daryl just laughed slightly at me, we went into the house before sitting opposite eachother, Daryl had put his crossbow down and seemed quite relaxed, we played never have I ever.

"Never have I ever gotten drunk" Daryl said, then took a swig of the moonshine, I picked up my cup and took a sip too "never have I ever beaten someone up" I said, then took a sip, Daryl looked at me almost amused while he took a sip of his "you?" Daryl said, I looked at him confused "you've beaten someone up before?" He asked amused "yes Daryl I have, c'mon ask the next question" I said "nah, tell me about it" he replied, putting the bottle down on the table, I sighed "fine, back before the world went to shit, everyone in high-school used to Billy this one girl, she was 13 and I had just turned 14, and one day I saw this 16 year old shoving her around after school while she was waiting for her ride home" I took a sip of my drink "so, I went over and told him to go and pick on someone his own size and age, he just laughed at me and pushed this girl over and went off with his mate, so I made sure she was okay you know, followed him and his mate, called his name, he turned around, I slapped him, he punched me, I don't remember the rest until I realised he was on the floor underneath me and I was on top of him, my knuckles were covered in blood, I could barely recognise him past his broken nose, black eye and the blood all over his face, then I heard police sirens" I said, then leant back on the chair, I was sitting on the floor so it wasn't very comfortable mind you "shit" Daryl said before chugging his bottle, the rest of the night was a blurr, all I remember is actually seeing Daryl smile a bit and we talked loads, the next day we were walking through the woods, he went off necause he heard something then just didn't come back, so I found him "hey Daryl?" I said, he turned around, his face looked sad "we're gonna find them Daryl don't worry" I said walking closer to him "there dead" he said, my face dropped "Daryl don't say that." I replied "well they might as well be coz you ain't never gonna see em again!" Daryl said "Daryl stop!" Tears filled my eyes "maybe- maybe if I hadn't let my guard down, maybe if I'd of been ready!" Daryls voice got weak, his eyes filling with tears "Daryl..." I said, he turned away, I didn't know what to do, I just froze, I could here him crying, I walked closer and wrapped my hands around his waist, hugging him from behind, I felt so bad, fir what he was going through, what he'd gone through.

Me and Daryl didn't really speak until we got to a big house, we stopped at the front door "beautiful" I said under my breath, I looked to Daryl, he was already looking at me, with almost love in his eyes "mhm" he said before opening the door and walking in, we looked around for a while, turns out it was a funeral home, we went into the kitchen and ate some dinner, then we separated and I went into a room and i saw a guitar sitting in the corner, I picked it up and dusted it off before starting to play it, I hummed along with the tune before daryl walked in, I hadn't noticed until he got into an open coffin on a table and layed down, I looked over and stopped, putting the guitar down "keep goin" he said softly, I smiled at him and picked the guitar back up and played again, he just watched, his head rested on his arm, biting his nail, he looked so handsome and soft... I played and hummed the tune in my head before singing quietly, he didn't say anything so I sung a little louder but still softly "we'll make em' turn thier heads every place we go" I continued running my hands on the guitar strings, daryl still watching me in awe "so won't you please.. be my, be my baby, be my little baby... my one and only, say you'll be my darling.... be my be my baby, be my baby now" I hummed again, realising Daryl had fallen asleep, I set the guitar down slowly and went to bed myself.

The next day me and Daryl went out hunting, on the way back we went through a grave yard, one of the graves had the name "Glenn" on it, me and Daryl stopped and stared at it for a moment, our fingers brushing eachothers, I sighed and took his hand, our fingers intertwined, he held mine back and we stood there for a moment before walking off, I could see the house, looking at it I became oblivious of my feet and tripped over a huge log, falling over "ow shit" I said rubbing my ankle "your alright?" Daryl asked coming over to me and crouching down "yeah I think I just twisted my ankle" Daryl took my arm, helping me to pull myself up "can you walk?" He asked "I think so" I took one step and with that almost fell over again, but Daryl was still holding me up, he turned around "get on" he said gesturing for me to get on his back "are you serious?" I laughed "yeah it's a serious picky back c'mon" he replied, I hopped on his back and he carried me all the way to the house, we got to the front and he put me down to open the door, then picked me up again holding me infront of him, he walked inside, I giggled as he swung my legs around the corner and sat me down on a chair in the kitchen "what do you want?" He said rummaging through the cupboards, just as I was about to answer the cans jingled outside "stay here" he said before walking out of the kitchen and opening the front door "it's just a dog!" He yelled, I used all my strength to stand up and limp out of the kitchen, he closed the door and turned around, walking towards me "he woukdnt come in?" I asked "I told you to stay back" he said "yeah. but daryl... you said there was a dog" I replied smiling, Daryl smirked at me.

We stayed at the house for a few nights, every night we would talk until really late, my ankle got better slowly, on night we were talking in the kitchen when the jingle from outside came again, Daryl went to open the door and I followed behind him still limping, as he opened the door a hord of walkers stated barging through the door, Daryl used all of hus strength to keep them out "go!" He shouted "Daryl no!" I said "go... I'll be right behind you!" He said giving me a reassuring nod "but daryl..." I said breathing frantically "no! Down the stairs out the back go. Now!" He said still pushing at the door, I looked at Daryl one last time before, walking as quickly as I could down the stairs, I banged and banged at the door but it wouldn't open, I heard Daryl walking down the stairs, he ran over and pushed the door down, walkers flooded into the room, Daryl stabbing every one that he could "go I'm right behind you!" He said, I sighed and ran as fast as I could with me ankle until I got to a small road "Elle!" I heard Daryl shouting, I smiled "Daryl I'm here!" Suddenly someone came from behind me and put a bag over my head, then shoved me in a car.

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