finding a new home

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Carol lead us to a small cabin through a woods, Tyrease walked out, holding little Judith in his arms, Rick walked over slowly, his face full of sorrow and joy at the same time, he took hudith and held her tightly, Carl by his side hugging judith too, Ruck looked over to me and I gave him a small smile, I wanted to hug Jude too, she was starting to feel like my little sister even though it hadn't been that long, but I knew to just let Rick and Carl have her for a while.


We drove for an hour or so, Rick was In the car infront with Aaron, Aarons husband Eric, Gabrielle, Sasha, Maggie, Glenn and Michonne, I was driving the car behind with Daryl, Carol, Judith and Carl, I radioed Rick "how far?" I asked "I'll ask" he replied, a few moments later he said "apparently 10 minutes or so" he said "okay" I replied, then went back to driving "how come you know how to drive?" Daryl asked, sitting next to me "what do you mean?" I asked smiling "I mean your fifteen, who taught you?" My face dropped slightly "I learnt myself, besides I'm sixteen next month sooo" I laughed slightly "hm, but weren't you thirteen before the fall?" Daryl asked "yeah" I said gulping, Daryl was about to say something before I heard "hey Elle?" From Carl at the back "yeah?" I replied "why don't you let people call you lori, your names loreligh right?" I chuckled "some girl in high-school made fun of me for it so, now I force people to call me Elle" I answered "my mums name was Lori, I think it's a pretty name" I wave of sadness washed over me "how about then... I make an exception, you can call me Lori if you want hey?" I looked in the mirror and saw Carl grinning at the back "cool" he said "cool" I replied nodding my head, Rick stopped the car as we arrived at a big gate, there was a sign next to it "welcome to alexadria safe zone. Mercy for the lost. Vengeance for the plunderers" it read, sound a hell of a lot Terminas or "cannibal hotel" as i like to call it, if you ask me. I saw Aaron get out of the car, then everyone else, standing infront of the gates, Then Carl opened the door "wait" I said, putting my hand around to the back of the car and holding Judith who was on his lap, I took my hand off and let out a sigh of relief, closing my eyes, when the sweet sound of children's later filled my ears.

We were all taken to a small open boarded off area, where a woman came around the corner with a big wheel tray thing, Aaron and Eric stood next to her, Eric smiling as always "weapons in here" the woman said, I tilted my head down slightly, then looked over at Rick, he nodded slightly, I turned my eyes back to the woman, then looked at Aaron, he nodded reassuringly, I watched as everyone took there weapons off amd out of there holders and place them in the tray, then Carol walked up and... struggled to get her gun off?... ah. Smart. The woman gave her a warm smile, almost feeling sorry for her. Then everyone turned to me, I looked to Daryl, he gave me one small nod, I bit my lip before pulling my gun out of its holster and throwing it on the tray, then put my butcher knife in, and stepped back "All of it" Rick said, I looked at him squinting my eyes before pulling the small pocket knife from my boot and chucking it in the tray, giving the woman a sarcastic smile.

Then we were all taken one by one, before me and Daryl were the only ones left, I was sat leaning against the wooden wall, Daryl next to me, I rested my head on his shoulder, he moved away slightly, before moving back and letting me do it, the woman came out again "Daryl Dixon" she said "come" I took my head off of his shoulder and watched as he got up, before he went round the corner he turned to me, giving me a small smile, I returned one, then got up and paced waiting for what felt like hours, until the woman came back out "Loreligh Smith" she said, I turned to her, why does she know all of our full names? I followed her into a room, a living room, everything looked how it was before the fall, a woman sat on the sofa with a video camera infront of her, pointing at am armchair opposite, she looked at me and smiled "please, sit" she said, I walked over slowly and sat down, she pressed record on the camera "hi, my name is Deanna Monroe, and yours is?" She asked "Loreligh Smith" I replied "nice to meet you" Deanna responded "I have a few questions for you is that alright?" She asked, I nodded my head "how old are you?" I sighed "fifteen, turning sixteen next month" I said "okay, how do you know the rest of the people you came with?" She asked "I was on my own, Michonne found me on the side of the road and they took me in"
Deanna- "how did you end up here?"
Me- "the place we were held up got attacked, we all split, lost tons of people on the way, set out, almost got eaten by cannibals, got out, Aaron found us, brought us here"
Deanna nodded her head
Deanna- "okay just three more questions now"
I nodded my head
Deanna- "how many walkers have you killed?"
I looked at her confused
Me- "too many to count, why?"
Deanna- "how many people have you killed"
I looked down and back up
Me- "a couple dozen, I think"
I said the inside of my mouth
Deanna- "why?"
I look at her for a moment, before really thinking about it
Me- "to protect the people who are important to me, the people I love"
Deanna- "And that's Rick and his group now?"
Me- "yeah"
Deanna smiled at me "just one more question okay?" She asked, I nodded
Deanna- "why do you wear that think black ribbon around your wrist?" She asked pointing at it, I pulled my sleeve down slightly, hiding it, then sighed

"a few months before Michonne found me, I was with my sister, we got swarmed with walkers one night, and got separated, I found her the next day, lying next to a tree" I stopped and caught my breath, holding back tears "lying next to tree, with just her top on, her bottom half completely naked, her privates had blood around them" I tear rolled my face And I locked my lips "she was just laying there, sobbing her eyes out, I ran over and i- I held her in my arms" I breathed deeply through my knows and slowly out my mouth, squinting my eyes "and she said "remember me in the fields" because I called her beautiful when we were walking in the fields one day, before the fall" I sniffled, now sobbing but still trying to hold it in "and she died in my arms, I did what I had to, and a couple days later I was still sitting there, barely any water left, I hadn't eaten since, when I heard three men laughing about r@ping the girl by the tree and laughing about how they just left her there with her top on, and how much they enjoyed it" my face turned into disgust "so that night, while they were sleeping, I crept to them, tied up they hands and feet. Leant them up against three trees, they woke up as I tied them to the trees" my face now numb "I dragged my sisters body over, gently took the blood from between her legs, and one by one stuck my fingers down each of there throats, my fingers covered in her blood, then gagged them again, and tortured them in all diffrent ways for about a week, including skinning there arms, breaking thier jaws, breaking there legs, not feeding them, not giving them water, and when I got my period I wiped it on thier open wounds, then one night when they were all dying, I hacked at thier arms and legs until they came off, but I patched them up, took thier gags off, and untied them from the trees, but they couldn't walk, or shout, or even talk, so I left them there to die."


I looked up at Deanna, she turned off the camera, stood up, walked over to the door, then gestured for me to come over, so I did, wiping the tears from my eyes, then she opened the door "welcome... to the Alexandria safe zone." She said, I walked out of the door, looking around, it's as if the world never ended, children playing outside, the smell of people cooking in thier homes, people sitting on benches and talking, I closed my eyes, breathing in deeply, then exhaling through my nose, I couldn't help but smile.

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