0624Dragon asked me to make a chapter of the rules so here they are!!
1. Example pictures are preferred, if you don't have them that's okay!! For example, if you can't add pictures for some reason like me, that's okay!!
2. Shop/building must have a name so I can add it to the future shopping district chapter!! I won't add it until it has a name, if you need help, I will help you, or others I'm sure!!
3. If someone already has made your idea, and you still would like to make it, ask for their permission first, if they do give you permission, you must credit them by simply just tagging them in a part of the story
4. Sort of goes with the last rule but, do not copy, AND I REPEAT do not copy someone else's idea!! Or else you will swim with the fishes!! (Look at the castle book the get this lol)
5. Use this tag on your book #alliumpanem it must SPECIFICALLY be like that, one word, all lowercase, so all of the books in that tag will all be on one tag!!
6. Have these chapters in the book at least
1. An introduction to your shop
2. A page with all that you sell and the prices (this can come later after the whole currency thing is figured out)That is all for now!! If I think of anything else this will be updated, thank you!!