9. Sai - In Tokyo Pt. 1

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Author's Note: This fanmeeting was so hard to write because of the limited access to videos and photos. I tried to piece together what I could. Definitely a lot of liberties were taken for this chapter. Unbeta'd. Please forgive any grammatical errors. Thank you to everyone who is reading and those leaving comments. I greatly appreciate it! Happy reading!

"Nut, we have to go, the car's here." Sai was already at the door, his suitcase standing next to Nut's suitcase. They were leaving for the airport, their flight to Tokyo was in a couple of hours. They were headed to their Tokyo fanmeeting, their third stop, after they had performed in Bangkok and Hong Kong. This would be the farthest stop so far; the flight itself was over 6 hours. Since it was so far, the company had given them four days Japan. They would have one day to prepare, have the fanmeeting, spend one day to see some of the sights and then fly back on the fourth day.

Their flight was late at night so Sai told Nut to stay over at his condo and they would go to the airport together. Well, of course there may have been an alternative motive for Nut to spend the night as well. They both had their own schedules, they recently launched their own skincare brand, SoLynn, Sai still had workshops for his new drama and they both had practice for the fanmeeting. Each day, Sai was so tired that he fell asleep almost as soon as he got home. The moment he wished Nut goodnight and his head hit the pillow, Sai was out.

He woke up to Nut's own 'goodnights' and 'good mornings'. The texts between them were shorter and shorter, some times there was only time to give a reaction or an emoji as a response. There were times when Sai wouldn't have time to eat until he reached home. Bless Nut that he had food sent to him even though Sai didn't ask for it. How did he get so lucky in meeting someone like Nut?

Nut was the one that took the lead on SoLynn's launch, working tirelessly on the day of the launch to make sure their fans were able to purchase their product without much hassle. Nut was giving him updates, keeping him in the loop about what was happening behind the scenes. Sai knew that fans were having issues with payment methods, which had Nut on the phone, trying to solve it. They both were up late on the day of the launch, watching as their stock dwindled. Their fans were always so supportive and the pre-sale was a success. They sold out their stock quickly and the both of them were so grateful.

After the pre-sale, he and Nut had a debriefing, working out what could have gone better and what they would do differently for their actual sale. Even during this call, Sai could hear how tired Nut was and wondered if Nut was resting properly. Even when Nut slept over, Sai could feel him toss and turn in bed, especially if something important was coming up. Nut seemed to do better when he was there but the past few days, that hadn't been possible. They finally were able to last night.

Nut had come later at night with his giant suitcase. Nut, again, left his toiletries at his condo since Sai already had everything. When Nut arrived, Sai had wrapped him up into his arms and just held him, breathing in Nut's scent mixed with the scent of outdoors.


Sai just stood there for a moment, feeling Nut pressed against him. "Mm...missed you."

He heard Nut chuckle. "We saw each other before SoLynn's launch."

"You didn't stay. Tonight you're staying."

They had spent the night checking and rechecking their clothes and making sure they both had their passports tucked away in their bags. They knew that the weather in Japan was going to be different so they packed more long sleeves, sweaters, and Nut had brought a black long coat and a scarf. Sai had been eager to get the official stuff done so they could move on to doing other things.

Sai had spent the night letting Nut know just how much he had missed him...which may or may not have contributed to Nut's late bedtime. But they didn't have to leave until the evening, so Sai had let Nut sleep in a little. He even brought Nut some breakfast in bed.

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