SEB - chapter 8

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mike is pacing, muttering to himself like a mad man. he has cute little sweat droplets all over his face. "why are you pacing? im all covered up. it'll be fine." seb says, frustrated. "fine!? nothing about this is fine!!" mike bellows. "yea, well im the fucking alpha with his life on the line due to your crazy wolf family that i literally NEVER asked to join!" seb retorts.

"you think you're the only one in jail! god! you've never had it rough EVER. i have worked for MONTHS to get you here, MONTHS convincing my family to let you join, to reach your full potential! and now ive brought an alpha into our space! im doing you a favour! putting my life on the line for you to have a shot at an even better one."

mike says, his eyes twitching with anger. "well i never asked for ANY of this!!! you're psycho!" seb says, tears of frustration welling in his eyes. he was stuck as some stupid wolf thing with the person he used to think as his friend yelling at him.

"IM NOT PSYCHO! you literally agreed." mike says, holding his head in his hands. "to join the illuminati! i didnt realize i was joining a werewolf clan!!" seb says, wincing at the wolf hairs plucking out of his back. mikes eyes change from anger to fear, clearly noticing sebs transformation.

"okay, im sorry just.. calm down. we gotta get out of here." mike says calmly. seb takes a deep breath. "how am i supposed to trust you?" seb asks. "when you realize that you'll be long dead if you stay here, especially without me."

the boys sneak their way upstairs, trying to look as unbothered as possible. seb takes a few shaky breaths, trying to call himself. "cmon.. out the back door." mike whispers. they walk towards the door, and open it slowly.

they both wince as it creaks and they slide out as quickly as possible and break into a sprint, heading for the forest.

they run for about an hour before seb gets tired. "can we please break!" seb says breathlessly. "hm.. fine. i suppose we've run far enough for now. we can hide out here and run more in the morning." mike says, assessing their surroundings. "what— we're staying here? i cant like, go home?" seb asks, hoping this is just some cracked up dream that hes having whilst in a coma or something.

mike laughs. "are you kidding? they'd have your neck in seconds! we have to run far out." seb doesnt know exactly what hes feeling, but he can definitely tell its from his inner alpha. he growls deeply, anger rising in his chest. "SEB WANTS HOME." he bellows, unable to control his voice.

"what the- BRING HIM HOME NOW. RIGHT NOW." he says, as if someone else is speaking for him. "are you pranking me? this is so unrizzler." mike says flatly. suddenly, sebs vision goes dark. he feels his soul float above him, watching himself from above.

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