Chapter 33

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Sorry this is a few hours late. I had it done, but lost internet and couldn't get it edited until it came back. Sorrryyyyy.


"Good morning," Midoriya said, kissing his boyfriend's cheek.

"Morning," Bakugo replied. "There's coffee in the kitchen."

"What are you up to?" Midoriya asked over his shoulder as he made himself a cup of coffee.

"Did you know that we haven't checked the email for the center in two weeks? You have some amazing offers for mass donations, some new job offerings, and tons of new apartments that are willing to do income base." Bakugo continued scrolling through the many emails Midoriya had received.

"We." Midoriya walked over to the island with his cup of coffee. "We have some amazing offers."

"It's your center," Bakugo said. "It was all you and your brilliance."

"It only exists because of you," he countered. He may have done it for every other homeless person in the community, but Bakugo was the main reason for it. "And one day, it will belong to you as well."

"When we get married, everything you own will belong to me, and everything I own will belong to you. Unfortunately for you, I'm not bringing much in."

Midoriya snaked his arms around Bakugo's waist and rested his chin on his shoulder. "Shut up," he murmured. "You're bringing you, which is enough for me. Besides, the new house is going in both of our names. It'll probably be the same thing. The center can have your name added at any time."

Bakugo turned his head and gave his boyfriend a quick kiss. "I don't even care if it is," he admitted. "As long as I have you, everything else is fine."

"You're so cheesy."

Bakugo smiled. "Would you rather I be an ass again?"

"Absolutely not." He took the seat beside his boyfriend and leaned over to look at the screen. "That looks like a lot of emails," Midoriya complained.

"That's because it is," Bakugo chuckled.

Midoriya leaned his head against his shoulder. He didn't care about the emails and hadn't since his house exploded. He still loved the center and everything that came with running it, but it was hard to focus on it. He kept looking for happier things like rebuilding the house, looking for a surrogate and getting in touch with adoption agencies, planning Akira's birthday party, and the wedding that he knows will happen one day, but he doesn't know when.

"Can we have an ice cream bar at our wedding?" He asked suddenly. "I don't want cake."

Bakugo shook his head and laughed. "You got a color scheme yet?"

"I was thinking of the classic black and gold since orange and green don't look good together. I suppose we could add a color like navy blue or maroon if you wanted. I mean, there's—"

Bakugo kissed him again. Midoriya hummed in surprise, but he soon melted into the kiss. He would never complain about getting kissed by the love of his life.

When Bakugo pulled away, Midoriya said, "Sorry. Looking to the future helps with everything that's going on."

"That's completely fine," Bakugo said. "I'm glad something is helping get us through this mess." He kissed him again. "I think forest green, black, and gold would be perfect, by the way."

Midoriya couldn't hold back the smile spreading across his face. "Katsuki Bakugo, I love you so much."

"I love you too. Also, I want a late-summer wedding. No spring or early summer because that's when it rains the most, but I don't want it to be super hot."

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