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Coming out from the bathroom,I make my way towards the balcony from where a beautiful scenery can be seen.Opening the glass,I plopped inside the balcony.As soon as I enter inside a strong fresh wind hits my body.Resting my hands on the railing I close my eyes feeling the fresh air.

Sometime I really want to go on a trip,experiencing the things which other girls always does.I guess my fate has other plan.I never thought that I would get married with a guy whom I can't claim as mine!funny isn't it?even my life is a joke...

My thoughts get interrupted my the sound of my phone ringing.I quickly run out of the balcony and went towards the bed grabbing the phone.A smile crept on my face and receive the call.I greeted by her excited voice.

On the call~

"Y/niee did I disturbed you?I couldn't sleep as I was getting worried for you babe!" I smile while warm tears already forming in my eyes.

"U-umm no Iam fine.Actually I just took a warm shower.Trust me Iam fine." she let out a loud sigh.

"So are you gonna have fun with him or gonna---

" holy moly what are you saying?You pervert girl you need to purify your dirty mind!" I can hear her loud laugh which never fail to bring smile on my face.

"Really owww my babe is being innocent  hmm?If you want then I can give you some tips for having intima----

" shut up you dirty girl! Ahhh there is nothing gonna happen between us.We are gonna living in separate room.And I just married to him just for...ahh I even don't know that why the hell I agreed to marry him." I lay down on the soft mattress while letting out a sigh.

"Ahh I see..but don't worry everything gonna fine soon.anyways I will wish you good luck to your married life.Okay now Iam feeling sleepy...and you also sleep early okay bye bye girl!" she hang up the call as I smile and put the phone aside on the bed...

From tomorrow I have to handle more things along with my life...I have to handle him too.I hope I can help him to heal....For now, I should sleep now as my body is paining like hell..what a hectic day was! I close my eyes letting the darkness engulfing me slowly....


Taehyung was walking through the hallway going towards his room but stop in front of a room.He shift his gaze on that slightly open door.

"Is she still awake?" he peek through the room and frown and enter inside.His gaze fell on her sleeping figure on the bed.

"Can't she close the door,silly girl! When she will be grown up?" saying that he went towards her grab her legs softly and take the blanket which was under her legs.He put the blanket over her,covering her body properly.

He stood straight looking down at her sleeping face then roam his eyes around the room.

"Good night little girl!" Whishpering that he turn around and walk out of the room before shutting the door behind him.

Next morning,

I jump out from the stairs getting all ready for the office and make my way towards the kitchen.A smile crept on my face noticing a familiar person.I slowly tip toes as her back was facing me,maybe making breakfast.

"Good morning aunty!" I jump on her,back hugging her tightly making her chuckle and scared at the same time.She slap on my arms telling me to leave her as I shook my head hugging her more tightly.

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