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Few days later~


I hurrily climb down from the staircase and run out of the house..Aria smiles cheekily watching me walking towards her...i let out a chuckle when she link her arm with mine..

"You took so long y/n..I thought you have changed your mind for going there!" i sigh heavily as she start to drag me with her..

"Iam sorry..actually i couldn't find my jacket..sorry..!" she chuckle while looking around as we both were walking on the roadside...

"Do we have to go by walking?I mean why not get a cab..!" she leave my arm turning to me i raise my brows..

"Y/n it's not that far..we will reach there in ten minutes by walking..we shouldn't waste money on that..!" i shake my head at her thinking as I follow her from behind..she hit on a girl's head as that girl glare at her before going to her path..

Such a naughty girl...

"Aria wait for me..!" i quickly run to catch up with her..she turn around while widening her eyes..i goes to her grabbing her hand while panting slightly..

"Iam so sorry..i almost forgot about you..!" i shake my head and signal her to walk ahead..

"Iam sure oppa would be so happy to see you know everyone loves him,especially his melodic voice..i can't tell you how much he sing so well " i raise my brows hearing his praise..

"Then he could be a great singer..!" she immediately nods while smiling cheekily...

"Then iam very excited to listen him singing live..!" she roll her eyes and drag me with her..

"Girls usually fell for his careful what if you also fell for him.." i chuckle lightly and shake my head..

"Impossible..iam already in love then how could i.." she sigh heavily patting my shoulder dramatically..

"Don't forget that he haven't come to take you yet..maybe he forgot about you already..!" i stop in my track hearing her heart sink as i gulp down hardly..

Why did it hurt me?i want him to be happy right..then i should be happy even if he moves on in his life...

"I know what you are thinking y/n..i don't know why you left your family..but isn't it good that if he try to find you and try to convince you to go back with him..if he loves you truly then mark my word that he will find you and take you with him..!" she smile while patting my back..i hold back my tears and try to smile back..

What if-

"What if i don't want him to find me..what if i want him to hate me..what if i want him to forget me.." she shake her head and grab my both hands firmly..

"Look y/n iam also in fact deeply..i can never imagine him to hate me, forget me..i want him to remember me and love me unconditionally..there is no girl who will willingly leave her family or her love..i don't know what was your reason but please stop..stop ruining your life..!" finally tears escapes from my eyes.she frown as i quickly wipe the tears..

"I can' life already is so messed up..i just don't want him to suffer with me..i can't because i love him..i love him so much that i can do anything for his happiness..!" she slowly wrap her arms around me hugging me softly..i close my eyes tightly not wanting to break down in front of her now..

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