Part 19

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James Promise.

It's been a year since I made that promise to Dyland, he calls me every day to see what I'm doing about his sister's death, I am telling him I'm working on it, I hate lying to my brother and it's time I kept my promise. The boys are six now and Pierre is being the best father a child can have, if he finds out what I'm planning to do will he be the best husband a man can have, not only have I lied to Dyland I'll be lying to him too, I promised I wouldn't go back into the life again, but I have to keep my promise to Dyland.

I've known for a while who killed Ruth, and where I could find them, I've been on the fence about killing again. I heard a noise outside of my study, sense whose out there didn't come in I know it's not Pierre I opened the door and Chandler is standing there, he said he's hiding from Liz can I hide him, I took him in the study as we heard Liz calling him.

Chandler said whatever Liz tells me he didn't do it, he hides behind my desk and Liz comes into the study she asked me if I saw Chandler, he's been in the cookies again and blamed it on Bandit. I started laughing, she said it's not funny we let him get away with too much around here, well she's not. She said she's going to spank him as she walked out of the room.

I was laughing because Chandler had cookie crumbs around his mouth, he came from behind the desk and said thanks daddy, Liz was going to spank him, I asked him has he been in the cookies again, tell me the truth. Chandler looked at me and said yes he only wanted one, I told him when Liz or any of his daddies tells him no about something that's what we mean, I told him I won't spank him this time but don't do it again okay, he said he won't.

He asked me to tell Liz not to spank him, I told him this time she won't, he said he promises not to sneak cookies again, and we told them to always keep their promise. Damn why did he have to say that, I have to keep my promise to Dyland.

Liz came back in the study, she said there he is, and she's going to spank Chandler, he stood behind me, I told her we had a good talk about what he did, and he won't do it again  I said right Chan, he said he won't. And he told Liz he's sorry for sneaking cookies.

Liz told him she'll be keeping an eye on him, she told me that Dyland and EJ are here, she left the room, I reminded Chan about his promise and we went out to see his uncles, this was one time I wasn't looking forward to seeing my brother.

PJ is sitting on Dyland's lap, and Chan ran over and jumped on EJ's lap, I spoke to them, Dyland said he wanted to plan a trip but EJ can't leave right now so it looks like his trip is off, EJ told him he can still go how about we go with them.

Pierre said with the kids in all he doesn't want to leave town, but I should go it will do me some good to get away, I haven't been away since our honeymoon. Dyland said yeah come with him it will be a brother's trip. I told bae with the boys he needs my help, bae said he has Liz, EJ said he'll come and hangout with the boys too. So, go and enjoy myself, he told Dyland but not too much fun without him.

Dyland said it looks like I have no excuse not to go, Pierre said it's settled I'm going, now where are we going, Dyland said we can go anywhere we like and it's on him. The boys asked EJ to come outside with them and watch them swing, bae said oh now they don't want there daddy to come outside with them, PJ said he can come too, they went outside and I asked Dyland where would he like to go.

James! this will be a great time for you to get away and find Ruth's killers, I knew EJ wouldn't be able to leave town, Dyland said as he looked at me. He said he's sure I found something about Ruth's killers by now he knows me.

I told him I have, but he shouldn't be with me, Dyland said he won't get in my way, just keep my promise, he asked me so where are we going, I told him two places, the first is Turkey and the other is Dubai. Dyland said Reese will let us use one of the Alexander jets so he'll set things up.

Dyland said he's going outback with the kids, he left the room, I didn't want him to be around when I dealt with Ruth's killers. I went outside too and played with the kids. This is one time I have a bad feeling about all of this.

We played with the kids until Liz came out and said it's time for the kids to come in and wash up for dinner, Dyland said he didn't realize it was so late they have plans for the evening, he'll call me in the morning. They said goodbye to us and the twins and they left, Pie asked me if we talked about where we would go; I told him maybe Turkey but definitely Dubai.

Bae told me lately my mind has been on something, this trip will do me good, and when I come back we can do something as a family, he kissed me and we went into the house and washed up and had dinner.

Later we gave the boys there bath and I read to them, Pie stood in the doorway and smiled he said I'm a great dad, I told him I just wanted to spend as much time with them before I leave.

The boys fell asleep and Pie and I went to our room and showered and got in bed, we made love, Pie said I put it on him as if I wasn't coming back, I told him I just wanted him to have something to think about until I get back that's all.

After we finished making love James still seemed as if something was on his mind, I asked him is everything okay with us.

Pie! everything with us is fine, I'm happy with my life with you and the boys, I just had something on my mind, like you said taking this trip will help me clear my mind, and I'll tell you all about it, again everything with us is fine. I kissed Pie and held him in my arms, again I'm lying to him, I can't tell him what's really bothering me, Pie fell asleep and I just held him.

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