Part 20

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Leaving my family.


After a week of spending time with my family, it was time to go, Dyland and I said our goodbyes, he and EJ went out to the car, I told the boys to be good as I hugged them why did it feel like the last time I will see my family. Liz said they'll be just fine just go and enjoy myself she took the boys outback, Pierre asked me am I alright, he knows this is the first time in a while that we won't be together.

I told him I just miss him and the twins already that's all, Pierre said remember when I get back, we'll all take a trip together, he kissed me, and I walked out of the door. Pie came to the door and said I didn't say goodbye to him or that I love him, I told him I don't want to ever have to say goodbye to him how about I'll see him when I get back and I love him so much, Pierre said okay until I get back. I got in the car, and we headed to the airport.

Dyland said once I do this, we'll be home with our families in no time, I didn't respond back.


Savannah came flying up the driveway, she got out of her car,  we went into the house she asked me what's wrong with me; I told her James just left for how long I don't know she said dang let James do his thing, and if he is fucking someone else let him get it out of his system. I told her I'm not worried about anything like that, James just didn't seem like himself, EJ came in the house, and he said James seemed very sad, he doesn't see them being gone very long.

I can see them going to Dubai, but why Turkey of all places, Savannah said while we were walking out to the terrace, EJ said at first Dyland told him they were going to Japan that was a big switch. I told both of them I just want them to have fun and get back home safe, I wasn't so sure about them going to Turkey myself but if that's where they wanted to go all we can do is support them.

Liz came out and said the twins are having lunch did I want to eat out here or with them, I said out here is fine, she looked at Savannah and said she only made enough for me and EJ, Savannah told her if she doesn't have lunch they'll be enough for her, I cut Liz off before she could say anything, I told her I'm not hungry anyway. 

I told Savannah and EJ I'm going upstairs and call James something doesn't seem right I went into the house and made the call.


My phone rang the caller I.D said husband I answered the call, Pierre asked me am I sure everything is fine with me, I told him yes, I'm fine like I said I just miss him already, he told me to try and have some fun he'll be fine there with the boys and he loves me, I told him I love him more and hung up.

 I told Dyland I made him a promise that I wish I never made, but he's my brother and I did promise, he said after this he won't make me promise anything like this ever again, we boarded the jet, and I took my seat, the flight attendant said it's nice to see me again enjoy our flight. We were cleared for takeoff.

I just looked out the window, Dyland was talking to me, but my mind was on home, one thing about my brother he can talk, and this is going to be a twelve-hour flight.

 After two hours Dyland fell asleep right after he ate, I just had water, before we left, I made contact with someone who can get me a gun, I wish I didn't have to go back to that life again, but I promise Dyland I'd do this.

Dyland woke up, he asked me how long he has been asleep, I looked at my watch and said nine hours. He asked me did I get any sleep, I told him no I'll sleep when we land, and when my contact calls me he is to stay in the room and just be ready to leave we only have one shot at this.

Dyland said it would be kind of nice if he saw what I'm going to do to Ruths killers, I told him he doesn't need to see that, that's why I got out of it, and he couldn't take seeing stuff like that. He asked me if I'll make it home, I told him I will I have a husband and kids to get back too.

Another hour went by, and the pilot announced we were landing in Istanbul Turkey, Dyland looked out the window. We landed and got off the jet, I told the pilot this is just a one-night trip make sure the jet is ready when we call, we got a car and went to the hotel, when we got there, I told Dyland he was supposed to have gotten a low-key hotel not a two thousand dollar a night hotel, he said EJ booked it.

We checked in and I took a hot shower, after I finished, I called Pierre and we talked, I hated lying to him, but I had to do this for Dyland. He told me Turkey doesn't seem like a place to relax and have fun, I told him I have old friends here, we won't be here very long, and then we'll be going to Dubai. Bae told me to try and have a good time he and the boys love me; I told him I love them too; I told Pie there seven hours behind Istanbul. Bae asked me what time it is here, I told him it's five in the morning here, bae said it's ten p.m. back home he's sure I'm tired after my long flight get some rest and call him when I get a chance, again he said he loves me, and we hung up.

 I went into the main room and Dyland is asleep on the couch, I got a blanket and put it over him, and I went to my room and got some sleep.

Later I heard knocking on my door, Dyland stuck his head in the door and said there's a guy who wants to talk to me, I looked at the time it's now six p.m. I told him to go find something to do and don't come back to the room until I call him. He asked to stay the guy doesn't look right, I told him no just do what I say, he just left the room.

I got out of bed and put my robe on and went out to the other room Dyland is walking out the door and Ahmet came into the room, he greeted me, I said it's nice seeing him again, he asked me did I remember what his name means, I told him yes, greatly praised.

He said not many people from abroad remember that he opened his case, and showed me the weapon, he got for me, he gave me a paper where I could find my target, Ahmet said  he knows not to ask questions I gave him the money and he said good hunting and he left. I called Dyland and told him he can come back now, and we'll order dinner, I hung up and checked the time, it's now six twenty so I called Pie, he said he was just thinking about me. I told him great minds think alike. He asked me what I have been doing, I told him I just woke up and Dyland and I will have dinner I already talk to my friend, so we'll be leaving tomorrow morning.

 I asked about the boys he said Savannah and Devon took them to Kids world, I told him I really miss them, he said they miss me too, I walked into my room and sat on the bed, I told bae I'm only wearing my robe, he said really, and we had phone sex, until I heard a voice in the background saying put that thing away. Pie said oh shit Savannah's there, he'll call me later he hung up and I took a quick shower. Afterwards I got dressed and Dyland asked about Ahmet, I told him he doesn't need to know about him, order dinner for us.

Dyland asked me am I going to take care of things tonight, I told him it will be done and after this we won't talk about this again. He ordered dinner and I told him to pack we're leaving in the morning, he can call the pilots after dinner, after we ate Dyland said he's going to his room and call EJ, I took a deep breathe and left the room. I went to where I could find my target, he was in his pool, I took the shot and watched him go down in the pool and I left, this is for you Ruth.

I went back to the hotel, but Dyland wasn't there, I called his phone and it went to voicemail, I left a message saying boy where are you, I told you to stay in the room, the door opened and Dyland came in. I asked him where the fuck has he been, he said he just went downstairs to look around the hotel he saw the man who was here, I told him don't leave this room until we leave in the morning.

He asked me if Ruth's killer dead.

I didn't say anything I just went to my room, I got on the bed and closed my eyes asking God to forgive me, I spent the rest of the evening in my room. Dyland knocked on the door asking me if I'm alright, I told him just let me deal with this I'll see him in the morning. I really needed my mother to talk too, she could've helped me with this.

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