Chapter 2

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(Hiiii again, hope you didin't die from boredom in the last chapter, can't promise this one's better, rll hope you're enjoying this so far)

Just a little heads up I skipped the plane part and we already in UK.


As the car jolts along the uneven road, I gaze out the window into the passing landscape. The journey weighs heavy on me, my eyes could rest but the tension and mystery of the future keeps me afloat from my dreams. As the final turn approaches I can see Price, smilling and waitting for me at the entrence. The shuffle and chaos of the military personel busy with their assigned tasks brings back the memories of my early days. When order and neatness was replaced by survival and terror.

As the car comes to a stop, I grab my bags and head over to John feeling the weight of exhaustion settling into my bones. He stands by the curb with a grin plastered on his face, eagerly awaitting my very soon arrival. His excitement is infectious and I can't help but crack a tired smile in response.

"Long time no seen y/n"

"You too Price, you too" I said while giving him a hug. It feels surreal to finally reunite after what feels like an eternity apart, our friendship enduring despite the passage of time and the miles that separate us. He grabbed my bags without hesitation and effortlessly shoulders my burden. With a simple nod of gratitude I follow his lead as we make our way inside of the building.

John's presence serves as a beacon of light amidst the darkness, guiding me forward with unwavering support and friendship. With each step we take, the weight of the world seems to lift ever so slightly. As he leads me through the corridors of the military regiment, my footsteps echo against the cold, sterile walls.

Entering the room, I take one of a few empty seats which is near the head of the table, my bags resting at my feet. The atmosphere is charged with anticipation, everyone is busy with something, scouring trough case files, chatting and typing something on their laptops, not many eyes turning to look. John settles at the front, his posture rigid with purpose as he prepares to address the room. I look around once more, there's maybe 30 people. Uneasy but gathered I give a glance to John and he turns his attention to the fellow soldiers. 

"Alright everyone, let's get started," He announces, his voice commanding attention and silencing the room.

"I trust everyone is aware of the urgency of this situation" John begins, his gaze sweeping across the room. "Our intel indicates that the cartel's operations have escalated, posing a significant threat to national security"

I nod in agreement as Price gives me a glance, my heart pounding in my chest as I prepare to outline the details of the case. "Yes, we've seen a marked increase in the frequency and sophistication of their attacks" I add, my voice steady despite the apprehension gnawing at my insides. "It's imperative that we take action to dismantle their network and prevent further harm." I add still not knowing the news to this case, freestyle my ass out of this.

As I speak, John interjects, his voice calm and authoritative as he presents the latest intel gathered by his team. "Our sources have identified several new key players within the cartel's organization. Way back y/l's team closed one of the biggest groups working for the cartel along many small players, as of then the case was ordered to be closed. New received intel prooves otherwise, the cartel network is way bigger and they succesfully remain anonymous" he explains, his words punctuated by the occasional nod of agreement from those seated around the table. 

Suddenly, the door swings open, and a figure with a striking mohawk strides into the room. I can't help but raise an eyebrow at his very unique appearance, but I quickly rest my face into neutral expression.

"Apologies for the delay," he says, his voice brimming with confidence as he takes his place at the table. "If we can intercept their shipments at the source, we may be able to cut off their access to weapons and supplies, press them, threaten if needed and get more intel, capture people behind this and bring them to justice. That's our only and in my eyes the most effective move."


Finally, as the meeting draws to a close, the members begin to file out, leaving John and me alone in the room. I let out a sigh of relief, the weight of the day's discussions lifting from my shoulders.

John approaches me and pulls me into hug. "We've got our work cut out for us" he says, his voice low and steady. I nod in agreement. "Together, we'll continue to fight the good fight" I reply. "No challenge is too great when we stand united." I chuckle, release myself from his grip and grab my bags from under the table. We used to joke like this, the very seriuos and poetic exchanges make my day. 

As Price grabs his files he leads me through the confusing corridors. One thing that I can't do despite my long career in the military is navigating. The first days are the hardest. Can't help but miss for the comfort of my own room.

Finally, we reach the Task Force 141 wing, seperated from the rest of the soldiers, Price leads me to a corridor full of doors and hands me a key. "Here we are" he says, his voice tinged with sympathy and soothness. "Your personal quarters for the duration of your stay." He smiles and I return him a smile. "Appreciate it" I reply, grateful for his guidance and support. "I forgot you're a man of a couple words" he jokes. 

"Very funny" I reply while chuckling. 

"No problem, get some rest. We'll meet tomorrow, you'll get to know my team. Everyone's too tired today" he says.

With a nod I watch as he walks away down the corridor, disappearing from my view. Alone now, I take a deep breath and push open the door to my room, stepping inside and locking it behind me.

The room is simple, a bed, desk, wardrobe and a small bathroom. Dropping my bags on the floor, I waste no time in heading straight for the bathroom. The warm spray of the shower is a comforting hug from the day's tension, washing away the dirt and grime of my travel. As I stand beneath the stream of water, I let my mind wander.

Once I've finished showering, I change into more comfortable clothes and stare into my own reflection on a steamy mirror. Tired eyes, messy hair and a droopy face, I can't rest. I make my way back into the main room. I don't bother with my stuff and leave it for tommorows troubles.


(I may be super repetitive so if u sense it please leave feedback in the comments. I also get very pOeTiC in some parts so either enjoy, laugh or ignore lol. Those who made it this far i love yallll)

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