Chapter 6

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(OK NOW ITS ACTUALLY THE MISSON LOLLLL, I kinda streched out with the plot in the last chapter oopsies, imma do that a lot tbh)

(wth is wrong with this chapter, so im basically adding details mid mission)


The day of the mission... (PART FUCKING 2)

(i just forgot the plot... this is akward) 

I have some time to kill before the briefing begins so I decide to go outside for a moment, craving the solace of the open air and the chance to clear my head before the mission ahead. Stepping out into the cool morning air, I take a deep breath, relishing the sensation of freedom that comes with being outside. The clouds above hang low and heavy, like a blanket hiding the sky behind them. Not that I don't like the view above me but do they ever get sun and warmth here?

I find a secluded spot against the wall, sheltered from the wind, I lean against it, taking a moment to soak in the atmosphere, pulling out a pack of cigarettes from my pocket, I light one up. So quiet, the only sound being the soft rustle of leaves and the distant murmur of voices from inside the base. Closing my eyes, I let myself be enveloped by the stillness of the moment, allowing the cool breeze to wash over me and clear my mind.

Eventually, the time comes to stub out my cigarette and head back inside. As I make my way towards the conference room, I can hear the voices growing louder. I push open the door to the meeting room and step inside, greeted by the sight of my comrades gathered around the table, maps and documents spread out before them. I take my seat at the table and Price stands up.

"Alright, listen up" he begins, his voice cutting through the noise of the room. "This is just a brief going over details. We stay low and observe till I give the sign to go. We'll work in pairs. Gaz and Soap, Sova and Ghost."

Fucking great, I thought to myself.

"Soap you and Gaz take the west side of the building, Ghost and Sova take the east" continued Price, pointing at the map with his finger. We exchanged glances, the tension thick between us. Despite my reservations, I nodded, acknowledging the plan. Ghost, ever stoic, simply adjusted his gear and prepared to move out. With a deep breath, I followed.

We climbed into the chopper, greeted the couple of soldiers helping the pilot and us to ensure the smooth ride. The roar of the blades drowned out any conversation. We strapped on our headphones to be able to communicate, and Price made his way to the pilot, exchanging a few words before takeoff. The wind whipped through the open doors, sending a shiver down my spine as we settled into our seats. With a jolt, the chopper lifted off the ground, soaring into the cloudy sky.

My teammates started chatting amongst themselves, their voices blending together. Ignoring their chatter, I stared out the small window, lost in my own thoughts.

As the chopper's blades sliced through the air, Soap's voice cut through the din of the engine. "Hey, y/n" I turned my attention back to my teammate, raising my eyebrows.

"You're a bit quiet."

A wave of discomfort washed over me. "Soo...?" I replied.

Soap leaned closer, his expression softening. "Just making sure you're good, you know? First mission with us and all."

But before the conversation could continue, Ghost muttered "Rookie fear".

I shot him a glare, but he remained unfazed, his gaze fixed firmly ahead.

"I've done this plenty of times before, the mission is fairly easy" I replied, with a hint of anger in my tone. One look at my rank and he'd shut up so fast.

Mended Heartbeats (Ghost X fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now