000 ; introduction - ★

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- i really do not expect anyone to read this honestly i picture this
barely getting any reads but i'm posting it for fun anyways :)) -
hello my name is genesis, if you're new here welcome, and if you aren't then welcome backk ^^

anyways, let's get onto the actual info.

Y/N, L/N: your name, last name.

your quirk: foreboding.
it gives you the ability to sense when something bad will happen. ranging from a couple minutes to simply a minute for when you'll be warned. you never have to activate this quirk it just comes naturally. whenever your quirk starts you automatically have a sense of paranoia and a strange foreign ringing in your ears. this is how you know somethings gonna happen..something bad.

(foreboding definition: a feeling/sense something bad will happen.)

your age: 19 (this takes place in the beginning of the series so shigaraki is 20-21)

your job: you're a waitress at a pretty nice restaurant, but 'nice' is the opposite of how your boss can be described because he makes your life a lot harder. so does some of your colleagues.

a bit of your past: your parents are old and so your father died when you were a teenager (from old age) and your mom is sick in the hospital, you work hard to keep her alive because you have a relationship with your mom you can't lose because you have no one else. (sorry for the people with mommy issues </3) you have no siblings and you didn't grow up rich so now you're trying hard with the things you can do to save your mom. . . but then you meet someone.

y/ns personality:
- slightly expressionless, you usually express in your mind and often keep a blank face.
- considerate, you put others before you, especially your mom.
- incautious, opposite of cautious. you aren't cautious because you rely on your quirk to let you know when you'll get in trouble which leads you to kind of be care free and laid back till you get a bad sense.

beginning plot:

you were busy as a waitress could be on a dark rainy afternoon-ish night and the restaurant was emptying out as it was beginning to close. 30 minutes more till it was time for this place to shut down but a man you were serving was still there, assuming he was waiting for someone to show but they might've ditched him, you decided to let him stay till it closes. but your manager thinks other wise, trying to pressure the man into leaving, however you defended him. which got you into trouble...with your boss and the man...because little did you know a simple act of kindness made this unknown man quite interested in you.

[ the warnings for this book are in the description please read them!! also if you're curious i will most likely NOT add smut to this book especially noncon because i see a quite a few writers doing that and to be honest i don't want to judge them especially when they've warned many times before however me personally i just don't like the idea. the farthest i'll go without consent is maybe kissing but for me it still is weird — ]

oh! and i also want to mention that i am not very familiar what how currency works in japan with yen and such so i am going to use american currency, sorry for that issue especially because i know many people are not american and go by different currency.

FOREBODING : [ shigaraki x reader - ★ ]Where stories live. Discover now