003 ; lost & locked out - ★

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word count: 3725

word count: 3725

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          just like you expected, your mom was scared. she was scared you had abandoned her. and just like you expected, it broke your heart. time passed hanging with her, and what felt like minutes was actually hours, and you knew if you stayed any longer you'd be late to work, so you said your goodbyes and promised to visit the next, saturday. just to make up for today.

you felt the hospital, not as much in a rush to leave than you were to come.

you picked up your bike that you had previously dumped on the sidewalk in front of the hospitals entrance. you kinda feel bad for treating this treasure-trash if a bike like that but at least you know you value your moms time a lot more than this bike. sure you love it but you'd dump this bike in a second to get to your mom quicker. plus you knew nothing would happen to it.

anyway, you biked all the way back to your apartment, you had maybe less then twenty minutes. it took you five to get back to the apartment, five to get ready, and a little less than ten minutes to get to work.

just enough time.

in just a few, you reached your apartment complex. finding your bike lock and chaining your bike down.

you headed up to your apartment door and reached into your pocket.

hm, weird.

you check your other pocket.

..alright, now you're nervous.

you start patting down your clothes, staring down at yourself with eyes full of surprise.

you felt your heart beating quicker and quicker by the moment, and you come to a realization.

you lost your keys.

no, no- nono! this is bad- this is horrible! you desperately shake your throat door knob handle, hoping you had forgotten to lock the door..you know you didn't. you remember clearly locking the door. but your hopeless attempt of wishful thinking was still present as you continued to shake the handle for another minute.

you don't have a spare key.

you feel sick.

all you can wonder is why your quirk didn't warn you when you lost your keys...unless...uh oh. this is even worse.

you must have lost your keys a while back, because if you lost them recently like when coming up the stairs then your quirk would've activated. this is because at the time you lost your keys, you didn't have use for them in the next few minutes, so it wouldn't cause you trouble. your quirk has a time limit. you may do something bad but if it won't cause you issues till a long time later then you won't be warned of it.

...you can only assume your keys are long gone.

—and you can also assume you'll be late for work- you locked your bike! you lost your keys for the bike lock as well. and your work clothes are in the apartment! could today be any worse??

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