001 ; late night shift - ★

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word count: 2013

word count: 2013

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          it's a dark and cloudy afternoon, the time being 5:45. you wished you had more patience but all you really wanted to do was to crash onto your bed and sleep till you physically can't get another minute of it. but this restaurant closes at 7:00...you still have a while to go.

it's a thursday, so it's busy. not as busy as a friday but definitely more busy than a tuesday.

"Y/N, i just seated someone in your section, table #8, alright?" an older female waitress informs you as she walks into the kitchen, which was where you were, and you simply nod.

you give it a minute before heading over, finishing up what you were doing in the meantime time, and that was setting the dirty plates from the last table you had into the sink.

"Y/N. what the hell' ya doing, get out there." your boss demands. guess he thought you were taking too long with what you were doing.

"ah- yeah, sorry," you quickly apologized while not much thought behind your voice as you left the area.

you tiredly walked into your section and quickly spotted table 8. there was a man there with a black hood, you couldn't get a good look at his face so you waited till you were at his table. you took note he was alone though.

"hello sir, sorry to keep you waiting. my name is Y/N and i'll be your server for tonight — what would you like to drink?" you didn't pause in your words to let him respond in between, instead you kept talking till you said what you wanted to say.

[ you take in his appearance as well, finally seeing his face. he had horribly dry skin, which caught you off guard. blue messy land fluffy hair. and these red rhinestone eyes, that were quite pretty. ]

you almost pulled out your notepad to write down the order but you assumed you didn't need it, since he's just one person he'll probably get one drink you can simply memorize.

"water." he said simply.
and hey, you were right. easiest drink to remember.

"alright, i'll be right back-" you replied, swinging around only to be met with your manager- i mean boss...he insists you call him boss.

"you kidding me?? that's how you be talking to my costumers??" boss snarls, showing his awful yellow-ish dank teeth. you automatically held your breath because you weren't ready to smell his own boozed filled breath.

"what do you mean??" you quickly replied, like how you always did when you're boss talked to you. but this time your tone was a little more panicked, and confused.
you glanced down at the man you were serving, you made eye contact, he had this blank yet slightly wide eyed expression. you fixed your gaze back to your boss.

"i don't see what i did wrong!-"

"come on! you're suppose to be a server!" boss exasperates, as if you were an idiot. "you're suppose to upsell! don't fuckin' say 'i'll be right back' say 'anything else?' got it?." you didn't even get time to respond when he turned away and stormed off, probably to harass some other waitresses..he never bothers the waiters though.

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