005 ; under the weather - ★

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word count: 1380

word count: 1380

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you ran as fast as you could...you ran and ran until you fell on the ground. your vision is static. it's all dark. you are scared. who are you running from?? you don't know, you cant move, but you hear them approach, and it feels like death threatens at you...oddly there's no ringing in your ears..but you're a goner.

your eyes snap open.

ah..ha...just a nightmare.

your eyes squint as you sit your head up- ouch. you slept on it wrong, now it hurts.

and you feel so cold, yet oddly warm from your body covered in sweat. that nightmare really had you stressed i guess.

oh right..and your head aches like never before.

where are you again?...

"huh!" you gasped with a loss of breath as you shot up, only to be torn back down by restraints. moving so quickly wasn't a good idea, it hurt your neck and your body felt incredibly sore. but you didn't care about this sickly feeling, your brain worried much more about one simple fact.

you've been kidnapped.

you pant to catch your breath. feels like a bucket of water had been dumped on you from hoe much you've been sweating, but you don't care. you care more about getting yourself out.
you struggle.
and struggle.
and..you guessed it..

you struggled.

over and over, but nothing came of use. no way you twisted your body, no way you bent until it felt like you'd break, your hands weren't getting free.

suddenly, you heard a click, like a twisting of a door knob being opened.

you jumped, burying your head into your restrained arms. this is all fake, you are stuck in a dream!

and when you wake up, you'll be sure to live your life more gratefully than ever before!

"you're up." a voice pierces your ears through the silence. the voice was gruff, but sounded amused, and recognizable. it's the man himself who brought you here.

you don't reply.

instead you wait for your ears to start ringing any minute, you are sure to die. your heart races, you are stuck waiting.

are you making a mistake not to talk to him? well, that's not a question in your mind till you felt a harsh hand rip at your hair, yanking your head back; revealing your face that didn't look all to well at all. maybe it was because you were trapped in this cold room for hours..but beads of sweat ran down your face and your cheeks were a little more red than usual. especially around your eyes, a red lines them.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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