Turns out he doesn’t have time to figure it out since the invisible force is back at it almost immediately after he manages to pull his shorts over his ass. Izuku pants trying to catch his breath as he feels the butt plug being pushed even deeper in. Jesus whoever is doing this is a kinky bastard. Not that Izuku can deny the fact he might be even worse for enjoying it. Can you blame him it feels so good whoever is doing this is rough but actively tries to make him feel good. God the fluids are stuck inside him and it feels so good sloshing around in him, fuck what has gotten into him. Well besides an invisible cock that is. He giggles for a second before jolting in pleasure as a wet heat wraps itself around his tiny prick. What feels to be a tongue swirls around his pathetically small cock.

“Ah- mm.. t- t- to much it’s so g-good”, Izuku babbles as he is sucked off by some unknown force. Abruptly the plug is pulled from his hole and fingers start thrusting in and out of him pulling squeals from Izuku who now has hot cum and piss dripping out of his hole. Izuku absentmindedly takes his shorts off to avoid dirtying them further.

“Fuck fuck more jesus wha- feels so good”, Izuku sobs in ecstasy he can’t stop himself from cumming as those long fingers shove the cum back in his hole. He hiccups drool dribbling down his chin and making his plump pink lips glisten. He knows he must look absolutely debauched and he doesn't think he can bring himself to care with how tired he is. Izuku slumps onto his bed but the fingers don’t stop instead they grow faster going deeper till every thrust hits the boy’s prostate perfectly. His eye’s gleam hazy with lust and overstimulation. One by one he can feel fingers being added till whoever is doing this has successfully fit four fingers in his tight hole taking him back to when this invisible force fisted him. Luckily this was a lot more pleasurable since he had been stretched all day long. His eyes roll back as he feel’s another orgasm approaching.

He brainlessly starts grinding his little cock desperately against the rough fabric hissing in pain and pleasure. “M-more I need more”, The force seems to be able to hear him because the assault on his prostate fastens till Izuku is cumming once more. Izuku is now babbling dumbly into his pillow wiggling his hips to try to get comfy as exhaustion takes him again. But as his eyes close he hears a rattling at his door alerting him of company. HIs heart starts beating faster before calming rationalizing it is probably just Kacchan. But then Izuku glances at his state of undress and fluids dripping out of him and squeals running to his bathroom and running a wet washcloth up and down his thigh sopping up the piss staining his thighs. Izuku grimaces when he sees how ugly his face looks but ignores it in favor of going back to his room to grab pants. Well that was the plan but Katsuki chooses that moment to finally get his ass inside and sees Izuku bottomless. This is so embarrassing!

Katsuki licks his lips at the show he is getting from his slutty Deku. Katsuki wants to devour the nerd. He can’t believe how much of a slut Izuku is for him. The boy fell apart on his fingers. It was equal parts arousing and adorable. By the end Izuku is dripping with Katsuki’s fluids and visibly exhausted. As he observes the boy getting ready to drift off he hops off his bed and closes his laptop and opens the security camera app on his phone. The blonde sets his phone on his dresser and pulls on fresh clothing. He then heads out the door and unlocks Izuku’s door. He watches as the cameras capture a flushed Izuku rushing to the bathroom to clean off the fluids. Ungrateful nerd guess he’ll have to refill the boy later. He hears a squeak and looks up at a bottomless Izuku. His shirt is just barely covering his tiny dick but his supple ass and plush thighs are on display. Katsuki also sees that in the nerds rush he hadn’t fully cleaned the cum off himself making the blonde grin.

He realizes Izuku is trying to escape his gaze by slinking to his room but that won’t do at all. Katsuki rushes forward, grasping Izuku’s wrist and keeping him in place.

“Fuck what have you been up to nerd, so dirty”, Katsuki smirks, “ Your mom said you were sick, hmm is this what ill people do walk around showing off their asses hoping someone walks in on them? Hmm how dirty Izu”, He sees the boy’s blush visibly darken and the boy squirms in his hold.

“Kac- Kacchan let go I- I didn’t realize you’d be coming today! I'm Sorry..”, the nerd whines making Katsuki chuckle.

“Oh I see hmm didn’t you had such a nice ass Izu”, Katsuki purrs dangerously as he gropes the shorter boys ass, “ as I said I’m supposed to take care of you and since I saw you limping and you are clearly ill let me carry you, you dumb nerd”. Izuku’s eyes widen but Katsuki just tsks and grabs Izuku by the thighs hoisting him up and wrapping Izuku’s legs around his waist and keeping one of his hands gripped on the boy's juicy ass. Katsuki swears he would do anything to sink his cock into that fucking ass. It feels down right magically to touch and fuck the whines Izuku is letting out are making it a very difficult task to not simply fuck the boy right here and now.

“Kacchan! Wh- eh what?”, Izuku squeaks out as Katsuki carries Izuku to the bedroom gripping his ass much more than necessary. Once they enter the boy’s room Katsuki plops Izuku onto the bed and walks over to the small boy’s dresser and rustles through it for fresh underwear and smirks as he spots a skimpy thong lying in the drawer. It’s black with mint green lace. Katsuki chuckles to himself and grabs shorts for the boy as well.

Izuku seems to be in his own world when Katsuki turns back to him bottoms for the boy in hand. Wordlessly Katsuki shimmies the thong up Izuku’s thighs and licks his lips at the sight. When Katsuki looks back at Izuku he is staring back at him a tired look upon his face explaining his lack of protest at the attire katsuki had chosen for him. In fact if Izuku is already so out of it why should Katsuki even bother with the shorts? Katsuki smiles at Izuku and in return a dopey grin graces Izuku’s pretty face.

“Alright Ange- ahem Izuku let’s get you to the living room you need to eat nerd”, Katsuki tsks picking the tired boy up once more being even less discrete with his gropes this time around as he carries his little angel to the couch. Once there he squats down and carefully places Izuku down on the couch. The boy is very clearly struggling to keep his eyes open.

“Alright nerd I’m going to heat us up some dinner mmkay”, Katsuki whispers quietly and more tender than he believed possible he hopes Izuku doesn’t remember this clearly it’s fucking embarrasing how soft the nerd makes him sometimes. With a small nod of recognition from the nerd Katsuki stands up and covers the boy with a blanket. Turning to the kitchen he can’t stop from the blush from rising to his cheeks.

Izuku is fucking beautiful. There is no way to describe his beauty in a way that does the boy justice. Fuck he needs to concentrate on something other than how much he desperately wants Izuku to be his. Right, he needs to make dinner, Izuku needs to eat. Katsuki sighs, shaking his head as if it will shake the thoughts from his head. Unfortunately it doesn’t but he manages to heat up the soup and noodles left in the fridge and brew some tea without thinking too hard about the fact there is a sleepy adorable debauched Izuku behind him. He gets a tray and puts their bowls of soup and cups of tea on it and then picks the tray up and heads over to the drowsy angel on the couch.

He sets the tray on the coffee table in front of the couch and taps Izuku’s shoulder. “Hmm? Kacccchhannn whaaa is ittt”, The little nerd slurs.

“Fucking nerd I got the food for you”, Katsuki motions towards the food and Izuku looks at it for a second before curling up again, “Dammit dumb nerd”. Katsuki knows that the boy needs to eat and he is going to make sure he does. The blonde gathers the nerdy angel up in his arms and sets him in his lap.

“Hmm, Kacchaann wha aree you doinnng”, Izuku slurs out again turning his head towards Katsuki his large green eyes searching the blondes. Katsuki swallows hard at their proximity and picks up the bowl of soup. He places the bowl on the end table right next to them and scoops some up in the spoon and answers Izuku’s question by prodding his lips with the spoon filled with soup. The little nerd seems to understand since he eagerly opens his mouth and swallows the soup up since it's mostly broth. Katsuki can’t believe how unbearably domestic this is. He sincerely hopes the nerd can’t remember this but it doesn’t sit right with Katsuki to just leave his nerd to his own defenses in this state. The next 10 minutes is spent spoon feeding Izuku his soup until the nerd is too tired to continue eating. At this point he nuzzles into Katsuki’s chest and falls asleep. He kisses Izuku’s head and holds him close for who knows how long.

Katsuki wants to stay like this forever.

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