He boots up his laptop and enters his pass code : 7Izuku15dollface
His screen loads and he opens up his security footage app and scrolls through the different camera angles looking for where Izuku went. He stops at the bathroom cameras. Izuku is standing in front of the mirror in his underwear. His eyes are pink around the edges and tears are dried on his face. What happened?

His Izuku seems to be grabbing at his thigh. The boy sits back on the toilet and squeezes his thigh. What the hell is he doing?


Izuku needs to figure out what's wrong with his body. Why does Kacchan not like it? He grabs a measuring tape from his sewing basket and a notebook. He heads to the bathroom and pushes open the door. He rids himself of his shirt and shorts and then wraps a hand around his thigh.

“Too fat”, Izuku says when he can’t wrap his hand around his thigh. He pulls his measuring tape off his bathroom counter and fastens it around his thigh. He looks down and notes the 25” in his head and grabs the pencil off the counter and his notebook.

Thigh: 25”
Izuku frowns at the number. He takes the tape and wraps it around his waist and takes it down.
Waist: 17”
Why is my waist that smaller than my thigh? Is my body that weird? He sets the journal back down and squeezes his waist. “Is it my waist that's too small or are my thighs too big? Well Kacchan said my thighs and ass were too big so it's probably my thighs… maybe both”, Izuku sniffles.

He takes several more measurements anxiously chewing on his pencil eraser.
High hip: 40”
Hips: 45”
Chest: 30”
Height: 60” (5 feet)
Izuku grabs at his chest, “Why is my chest 30 inches isn’t that too big? I'm not a girl… and it's not like I am muscly so why is it so fat?”. Izuku’s eyes scan the list nibbling his eraser trying to see if he missed anything that would help him understand what Katsuki finds so disgusting. “Oh right I need to weigh myself”, Izuku pulls his scale out from under his counter and turns it on and waits for it to zero out and then steps onto it.
Izuku’s eyes narrow and he steps off and zeroes it out again. He waits a few moments before stepping back on.
Izuku sniffles blinking back tears. “One more time, just once more”, Izuku zeroes his scale out again and stares at it a few moments before taking a gulp and standing back on the scale.
“No! Why is it going up?”, Izuku stomps on the zero out button and tries again.
Izuku writes it down in his journal, tears running down his cheeks.
Weight: 139.9 lbs

“I have to lose some weight, Kacchan's right I’m fat and ugly. Maybe I can just not have dinner tonight, just like fasting… I’ve heard that’s okay from some youtube videos I think”, Izuku hiccups out a sob. He puts the scale back under the bathroom counter and picks up his clothing, measuring tape, pencil and notebook.

He heads to his room and rummages through his drawers. In the past he thought he looked semi decent so he has a lot of form fitting clothes but Izuku realizes he was wrong. He knows he has baggy clothes from when he used to hate his body -like he should- and wear huge shirts everyday. Surely there are some in the box under his bed. Izuku crouches down on his now clothing littered floor and pulls the box out from under his bed. He takes the lid off and sighs in relief seeing his old xxl clothing -what he should be wearing- and takes out his favorite hoodie. It’s a bit worn down, the fabric thin after the several years he had worn it before retiring the clothing to under his bed. There it’s perfect. Izuku thinks looking at himself in the mirror and then plopping down on his bed. He should just go to sleep. There's no need for staying awake when he isn’t going to eat. Izuku gets up to turn off the lights and then gets back in his bed groaning at the uncomfortable springs digging in his back.

“Ouch I need to get a new bed when I have the money”, Izuku notes to himself as he drifts off.

“Is it my waist that's too small or are my thighs too big? Well Kacchan said my thighs and ass were too big so it's probably my thighs… maybe both”

“What the fuck”, Katsuki’s eyes widen, watching Izuku who is his ideal body type and beautiful as hell think he is fat. He thinks he is fat because of Katsuki. The blondes stomach drops.

“Why is my chest 30 inches isn’t that too big? I'm not a girl… and it's not like I am muscly so why is it so fat?”

“No no no no no no sweetie your chest is perfect baby”, Katsuki says anxiously to the screen. His heart clenches as Izuku weighs himself over and over. Katsuki wants to shake him and tell him that 139 is a healthy weight. If anything Izuku could stand to gain a pound or two he is perfectly healthy. When Izuku starts crying he can’t help but cry too he should have been more careful with his words. But he has always had a habit of deflecting and it's a problem. Katsuki always pushes people away but Izuku doesn’t deserve it.

“I have to lose some weight, Kacchan's right I’m fat and ugly. Maybe I can just not have dinner tonight, just like fasting… I’ve heard that’s okay from some youtube videos I think”

“Fuck no Izuku you need to eat baby”, Katsuki’s starting to get worried he needs to put a stop to this. He never said Izuku was fat, did he? No Katsuki would never, the only fat thing about Izuku is his as-. Jesus now is not the time to think about how sexy Izuku is. He needs to convince Izuku he is perfect. He has to say… sorry. Even the thought of doing so makes him anxious. Izuku can’t keep thinking he is ugly and fat because of what he said though. God fucking damn it.

Katsuki watches Izuku go back to his bedroom and rummage through his clothing. What is he looking for?

The boy grabs a box from under his bed and plucks out a huge as fuck sweatshirt. What is that for? Wait is that the boy's old clothes from when he was insecure… oh no did Katsuki’s words really do that much? For Izuku to resort back to clothing from one of the worst points in his life? Fuck. The sweatshirt is way too big for Izuku.

Katsuki watches Izuku get up and turn off his lights and go to sleep. Katsuki isn’t one to judge when it comes to sleeping early but Izuku just woke up and it’s only 1:00pm. They slept in for a while. Is Izuku still tired?

Well maybe Katsuki can make Izuku some dinner and bring it to him. That way the boy will have to eat.

Izuku wakes up to something that smells wonderful and an obnoxious knocking at Izuku’s door. What is going on? Izuku yawns sitting up slowly.

“Who is it?”

The knocking stops, “It’s Katsuki”

Izuku realizes the voice is coming from his bedroom door and not his apartment door. Katsuki is here? Izuku is confused didn’t he kick him out earlier, “Come in Kacchan”.

The door opens and Katsuki steps in and Izuku blushes. Kacchan is wearing glasses and a soft sweater. “You look nerdy”, Izuku says without thinking.

“What did you say silly nerd?”, Katsuki chuckles and Izuku finds a smile tugging at his lips even though he tries to remind himself that it’s an act.

“Oh just the glasses and sweater you don’t wear them often”, Izuku smiles softly not wanting to seem odd to Katsuki.

“Mmm”, the blonde hums studying him.

“Uh um so why exactly are you here?”, He questions Kacchan genuinely confused why he is here if he hates him so much.

“You said you were going to skip dinner so I made some for you”. Oh Katsuki wants to fatten Izuku up to make fun of him more. Wait, You said you were going to skip dinner Izuku never said that how does he know that?

“I never said that to you Kacchan… What do you mean, how do you know that?”, Izuku narrows his eyes.

“Uh well”, Katsuki looks nervous like he has been caught in a lie, what is he up to?

Fuck how the fuck does explain this?

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