Izuku falls asleep on Katsuki’s lap while the TV is still playing his favorite cartoons. The blonde lays there with Izuku nestled there for a bit as he plays with the boy’s soft curls. He leans down and sniffs the hair and sighs. He smells like strawberries and chocolate and Katsuki would like to eat him up. He readjusts the small sleeping boy, lifts him and turns Izuku so that he is facing him. Katsuki places a hand on the boy's waist to keep him upright. The blonde uses his other hand to pull his shirt off.  When he lets go of the boy he slumps onto the blonde’s chest. His little head cushioned on Katsuki’s pecs.  Katsuki kisses Izuku’s forehead and smirks. He is so oblivious but it just makes everything better.

Watching Izuku moan in confusion a few hours earlier was a delicious treat. He became so pliant, Katsuki wanted so badly to take him right there and then. But it wasn’t the right moment. He wants to drag this out but the thought of having Izuku under him for real has been plaguing his thoughts. Katsuki ruts up, rocking his hips back and forth against his angel's perky ass. His hands slide under Izuku’s shirt and caress the boy’s soft pecs. The blonde rubs his calloused thumb over the nipple and squeezes both his hands around the round little pecs. They could honestly pass for boobs with how plush they are.

He shimmies Izuku up further and moves the boy’s legs to wrap them around Katsuki’s waist. The blonde stands up, Izuku in his arms and makes his way to his bedroom and carefully lays Izuku down underneath his covers. He wants Izuku to be smothered in his scent when he wakes up.


Katsuki wakes up first. The nerd is cuddled into the blondes chest. He had held Izuku like a teddy bear last night. He held the boy tight and tucked the boy's head into the crook of Katsuki’s neck. When Katsuki woke he didn’t want it to end. He cradled Izuku in his arms and peppered kisses up and down the boy’s neck. The blonde leans back against the headboard and yawns looking down at his sleeping Izuku.

“Izuku, c’mon you nerd, you need to wake up”, Katsuki weaves his fingers through the boy’s unbelievable soft hair, combing his fingers through the pretty curls.

“Mmmf Kacchan noooo too tired need to sleep”, A tired Izuku complains, yawning in a way so his tongue peeps just past his lips. Hmm cute, the damn nerd is such a tease and he doesn’t know it. His nerd looks at him for a few moments before nuzzling back into the blonded chest and sleeping.

“Izuku c’mon wake up, I got you all might merch”, Katsuki ruffles the boy’s hair as he lifts his head slowly.

“Ah mmm later”, Izuku giggles still out of it. The giggling boy tires himself after a few seconds and then is once again settling into the bed to sleep. It seems Katsuki must pull out the big guns.

“Izuku, All Might is here”, Katsuki says as convincingly as he can muster.

“Ha ha good one Kacchan”, Izuku rolls his eyes playfully, sighing.

Well he didn’t expect that to fail. But luckily he definitely knows one way to wake Izuku up for sure though. Katsuki reaches into his back pocket and pulls out the controller for the vibrator and cranks it up a few notches down from the top notch. Unsurprisingly and to Katsuki’s delight, Izuku begins to moan erotically from where he lays on top of him. The boy begins to drool uncontrollably. His nerds legs are shaking to the point you may think they were in an earthquake. His thighs jiggle deliciously and all he wants to do is eat his angel up like strawberry shortcake.

“Ahh ya Kaaaachaaaan?”, Izuku moans out in a confused manner too out of it to understand what’s happening. The boy blinks slowly up at the blonde as his lips glisten with spit in the dim sunlight filtering in through Katsuki’s blinds. He finds that he can’t help but get hard at the sound of the one he wants most moaning his name. As well as the erotic faces his angel is making.

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