Chapter 12

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I ran faster than I ever had before, in my two weeks of life experience. I couldn't hear the sirens, but I could see the blue and red lights flashing in the distance. I had to leave, I had to run, I had to go someplace where they couldn't sneak up on me again. They being the nameless assholes that just attacked me, and those I had already been dealing with. I'm sure they had been related to the guys from the port, but I didn't have time to make connections in my head right at that moment, I just had to go, but where?

It was obvious, but there was only one possibility.

Beaten and battered, I made my way to the moonlight tower, sure that Lonny would chew me out for taking so long, but I couldn't just head right to him, I couldn't put him in danger like that. I had to make sure I wasn't going to be followed. By criminals or police.

Not like caution had been a big help so far. My worst fears had been realized, I was being hunted, they were actively looking for me. I wondered if they had been looking for me before I interfered at the harbor. Had it been a coincidence they were housed in my apartment complex, or that I would visit a doctor displaying the same abilities the masked man had? Maybe I just had bad luck? That's what I told myself to feel better anyway.

I sat at the very top of the moonlight tower, sitting on the edge of the metal grated platform that was situated under the massive lights. It didn't look like it from a distance, but the 'moon' was made up of about eight bulbs that went around in a circle, pointing down on me. I kicked my feet back and forth and twiddled my thumbs. I didn't know what to do, and I didn't know if my hearing would come back. I had a lot of things to consider, and very little time to actually sort things out. Hearing loss was one of the last things on my mind. After all, I had just killed a man. Perhaps three depending on the condition of those two in the alley.

Had I killed before?

That was the question of the hour. I mean, I had to have, right? What exactly was I going to do to those guys in the helicopter when I had been chasing them down? There isn't exactly a fool proof way to bring a helicopter down nonlethally. I was probably going to kill them, and from what I know already they might have even deserved it.

Still... Something didn't sit right in me. My gut felt like I'd eaten a few rocks. Whether or not they had deserved it, there was at least one person dead because of me. I did that. Jared would try and remind me that it had been self defense, and Lonney would try to have me move on, say: what's done is done.

Yeah, what was done, was done. I could agree with that. Didn't make it an easier pill to swallow. Yellowjacket... I didn't even know what his name was, but someone probably did. Someone knew him, someone had probably gone out and gotten a drink with him. He'd probably told a joke to some girl he liked, probably struggled, at night, when doing homework in highschool. Maybe he was a bully, and maybe that was all because he'd had a rough go of life. I didn't know, but I killed him anyway. And now, all those he knew would have an empty spot in their lives, a place that he once occupied. All that were left were memories, and if they were bad memories, then I had taken his chance to make amends. That wasn't my right, but I had done it anyway. I had been scared, terrified even...

Now, he was gone... And I was still terrified...

I laid back on the platform and let out, what I imagined, would be a loud sigh. It was sort of comfortable, I couldn't look directly at the light, but the warmth coming from its light was pleasant enough. Not as good as the shower I felt I desperately needed, but it was close enough. I closed my eyes, wanting to live in that moment for a second. I imagined it soaking into me, washing the pain away and leaving me with nothing but the good.

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