Chapter 13

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I knew I was in for a hell of a talk. I'd been out all night, eventually returned to the room Lonny had gotten for me. I had to return to the room, since the police were called to the moonlight tower as well. My little battle with Holden had garnered some unwanted attention.

The sun was already rising as I reached the motel room that was to be mine, confirmed by the numbers nailed to the door. I was supposed to knock on Lonny's door and retrieve the key, but I wanted to avoid him for as long as I possibly could. Fortunately this door used an electronic keycard system similar to my apartment and used the same trick to pop the door open.

I went inside, threw my clothes out, except for the coat Lonny had given me, got a shower, then got dressed in fresh clothes. He had been kind enough to move my suitcase of clothes into my room for me, otherwise I would have been out of luck in many ways.

I wasn't tired anymore, thanks to the new trick I'd discovered, and knew Lonny would leave his room sooner rather than later, so I decided sleep wouldn't be for me, not that night. I took my suitcase out of the room, and waited outside, sitting on the case, ready for Lonny to come out, angry as can be.

I'd wait there for a while, the sun coming to a prime position long before Lonny would come out of his room. When he did, it would be around nine in the morning. He'd emerge from the hotel room, rubbing his eyes and letting out a vicious yawn. He spotted me once his eyes adjusted to the glaring light, and his face indicating exhaustion switched into one of surprise. "You got your case!" He shouted excitedly.

I raised my brows, not having expected that reaction. "Huh?"

"Well I was just worried." He let out a small breath of air as he figured out exactly what he wanted to say. "I fell asleep right after getting into my room, the moment my head hit the pillow! I woke up this morning and thought I'd messed up, stranded you outside, since I had the key and all!"

I took a second, thinking about how I'd thought he was going to rant about my hours of absence, but apparently, I had an out. "You didn't close the door all of the way." I lied, shifting on my suitcase uncomfortably. "So I just pushed my way in when you didn't answer your door."

He slapped the palm of his hand to his forehead, frustrated. "I'm so sorry!"

I waved him off, leaning into my lie. "It's okay, everything worked out." I crossed my arms and sighed, not wanting to sound rushed. My next lines had to sound reluctant, regretful even. "I think it's about time to head back into the city."

He looked at me, stunned. "You want to go back? Didn't we just talk about how you wanted to hang out here for a while longer?"

He was right, I remembered the conversation clearly, but my opinions had changed. It was obvious to me I wasn't going to get a break, and fighting off bad guys in a smaller community lessened my chances of avoiding the police. Being attacked, so frequently, had also made me wonder if the helicopter incident had been incited by them in the first place, and not my seeking them out. I couldn't be sure, but one thing had become clear, I wasn't going to be able to run, not if they had resources like others with powers to send out on a whim. I had to go back.

"I'm scared." I replied, improvising "Almost being left outside, and alone, I don't know, I'd rather be back home."

Lonny looked hurt, taking my comment more to heart than I had wanted. "Yeah, I get it, sorry I really messed up. I was too tired."

I felt the color drain from my face. I didn't want him taking it so personally, but how was I supposed to make him feel better without going back on my story? "Lonny, I-"

He sighed, looked down at his watch, then back to me. "Look, it's early morning, let's go and get some breakfast at the least. It's going to be a long drive back, let's not do it hungry."

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