Chapter 17

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The ceiling didn't get any more interesting over the hours that encompassed the rest of the night. I watched as the sun came up, but still didn't feel any exhaustion. Learning to recharge had proven useful, that's for sure, but not as useful as learning to freaking fly would be!

I looked out of one of the windows on the far side of the apartment and sighed. I knew it was time to get up, but I didn't know what I was supposed to do with the rest of the day. Surviving would be a good suggestion.

I got up, got dressed, and went down to the main floor. I was curious, and needed to kill time, so I took a seat on the couch and flicked the television on. There was a ribbon cutting ceremony being covered by the news. The anchor was standing in front of a large power plant, congratulating the facility on its conversion of power sources. It was interesting for a few seconds, but soon turned boring. I channel surfed, settling on a murder mystery show. I was late into it, so most of the investigation was already done, but I was interested to see how they caught the guy.

During one of the commercial breaks, my door clicked into an unlocked position then slid open. Acting on deep seeded reflexes, I launched over the couch, upside down, propelled by a blast I unleashed under my feet. Having an understanding of where my door was, I needed no more than a second unleash a bolt, sending it flying through the air, and to the door. The bolt was a little off, and hit the door instead of the person walking in; that was probably a good thing. The person walking through the door turned out to be Jared, who shrunk away from the place the bolt had struck and squealed.

I fell flat on my face, not knowing how to land the flip, and had very little time to regret my haste.

"Frick!" Jared shouted as he fell to the floor. "The heck is your problem!"

I got back to my feet, and looked at him with a sheepish grin, "Ha, sorry, I've been on edge all night."

Jared looked at the smoldering spot on the wall and then back to me, "No kidding?" he climbed to his feet, brushed himself off and tried to regain his composure. "Assuming you're done trying to kill me, for the day, I've got an update for you."

I walked into my kitchen area, taking a seat at the island, "What's up?" I noted that Jared stayed right by the door, and recalled the ride I had taken him on the other day. Yeah, it was the second day, in a row, of being attacked in this apartment. I got why he was so hesitant, and decided to ot bring it up at all.

"I made another appointment with your neurologist."

A sliver of fear passed through my spine, and I turned to Jared in panic, "Please tell me you didn't!"

He shrugged, "I made the appointment the day you vanished. I'm happy that I'll actually be able to bring you back in, and even happier he had agreed to meet with you, even after your bizarre introduction."

"Why would you do that?"

Jared gestured to the door again, and the smoldering spot next to it, "You're kidding right? You clearly aren't doing well! You're on edge and getting more aggressive. It's only getting worse!"

I thought back to my actions, seeing how he might have gotten that impression, but I needed to convince him that wasn't the case, "I'm fine!" I said, trying to counter his claims. "I've just been under some stress lately, you wouldn't understand."

"You're right, I wouldn't," Jared replied, his voice flat. "But your doctor would. He said he's seen this before in other patients, shifts in mood can be a strong indicator of brain damage, and he suggested trying to bring you back in as soon as I could. I was lucky to get an appointment as early as I did."

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