Chapter 20

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I arrived at the train yard within five minutes and saw the train Jared had mentioned from my vantage point on a nearby building. The building was hard to stick to as it had started pouring rain during my trip over. I hoped I wouldn't catch a cold.

The vehicle docked on the rails was a twelve-car long passenger train, not the kind you would expect to see in this district, which would be industrial transport trains. The yard had a couple of people milling about, automatic guns in hand, not the typical factory worker. I could see about five of them but knew there had to be more.

The pistons under the train hissed, and steam poured out from between the wheels, indicating it was almost ready to depart, I had no time to lose. I charged my arms and legs, then shot myself through the air. I aimed for a huddled mass of three men, and landed in between them, releasing a high intensity discharge as I did so. The three men went flying, carried by the energy I expelled. One man, a little further away, turned to face me, assault rifle aimed. I reached out and used my power to pull his gun from his hands towards me. Thanks to his gun's shoulder strap he was pulled along the muddy ground as well. When the gun reached me, I grabbed it with one hand, and placed the palm of my other hand on his chest and released a substantial volt of electricity that broke the strap and sent him flying into the building of a nearby shed.

A door opened somewhere from behind me as a stream of four guys exited the building. I tossed the gun I'd gained up into the air, and let it float there while firing, easily cutting through the newly arrived grunts until it was out. Once there were no more bullets left to fire, I crumbled it into a metal ball. A fifth terrorist exited the building, gun raised. I crunched the ball gun further, turning it into a point, and threw the improvised weapon into the man's chest, causing him to grunt, and fall back into the building.

I was going to need therapy.

The train hissed again, and I could feel its inner most parts surging with power. It was ready to go. Another series of grunts came running out of the nearby building, but I couldn't waste any more time with them. I reached out to the train and pulled myself to it right as its locks disengaged.

The train whirled to life, starting slowly, and then building speed. Rain was coming down hard, punching into the train like little bullets, and making the smooth metal surface slick. I was careful to keep myself glued to the roof as I moved with a consistent current that passed between me and the train, knowing that if I lost that charge, then I could slip off. I reached out, feeling for the copious amount of energy that would be produced by their bomb, and felt it pulsating nine cars ahead, third overall car. I quickly made my way to the third car, running along the surface, passing gracefully over the gaps between cars.

I was feeling uneasy, and not because of motion sickness. There had been goons stationed outside of the train, but I had figured there might be some on the train as well. Then again, there was a bomb on board, and what lunatic would willingly hop on a train that was purpose bound to explode. I was fine the lack of opposition; it was a nice change of pace. Which was the exact reason why I felt so uneasy.

When I reached the third car, that unease turned into certainty.

I was about halfway along the car, when something small and solid hit the back of my head. Not hard, just enough to be noticeable. I turned around, looking for the source, but didn't see anyone.


Something small and solid knocked into the roof of the car, the sharp sound stuck out like a sore thumb among the regular clatter of the rain.

Tink Tink Tink.

There were more of them, and steadily gathering in number. I knew what was happening even before I felt the chill hit my skin. The rain was turning to hail, mid fall, becoming ice before hitting the train. Before I knew it, all of the rain fall had been replaced by hail. I took a deep breath, and turned, facing the albino man who'd been nothing but a pain. "Going somewhere?" Hale asked. He was wearing his usual white trench coat, which was flapping in the breeze behind him.

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