Mission - chapter 1

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You were on your bed, in your bed room on the red force reading a book about swords

Not until there was a knock on your bedroom door

Knock Knock Konck

"Come in" You told the person outside of your door

They opened the door and the person was...

Benn Beckman

"Shanks has another mission for you, he would like it if you can go see him in private" Benn patted your head

You closed your book and sighed. "Tell him I'm coming in a minute!"

Benn nodded and went out of your bedroom, closing the door

You got up from your bed and stretch

'This Mission sounds important if he would want to see me in private' I thought to my self

I walked out of my room looking for my captain but  all I see is my drunk crewmates drink more and more rum

Just like every other day.

I was the only girl in this crew and I usually do all the missions for my captain, since he is always so lazy and gets drunk all the time

They are pretty overprotective for me, because of what I had been through and because I'm a girl, their only girl

They treat me like their little sister, we are like a family

I found my captain sitting alone drinking some rum, he looked in my direction and smiled, patting the seat next to him for me to sit on, which I do

"Hey Y/N! Got a new mission for ya. This mission is pretty important so you have to be serious in this one" Shanks said rubbing my back

"Ok I will be serious for this one" I said

I'm sometimes never serious in missions, but I'm good at doing missions for my captain which is why I always have to do the missions instead of my other crewmates

"I need you to break down the smile factory in punk hazard. That factory has been making artifical devil fruits, which causes people to become a half animal, but there are side effects to that devil fruit. It will make people lose all their emotions and they only get to laugh, that's why it's called a smile fruit. There are worse but I still don't know what. There are also other people who will be trying to break down the factory and they are also planning to do other stuff, but I don't know who is doing that so you will have to go see for yourself. Stay safe and you'll have to go right now" Shanks told me, than smiling

"That doesn't seem that hard, but that's easy to do!!" I did my signature smile and waved to my captain

I walked towards the deck of the ship and hoped on a small boat and waved to my crewmates

"I will be back in a few days" than I sailed off to punk hazard, starting a new adventure


Punk Hazard wasn't that far away, it just took 7 hours to get there

I parked my ship on the cold side of the island and went on the island, looking for the factory

I was walking around until I saw the G-5 ship parked on the island

'What are the Marines doing here?' I thought to myself staring side the ship surprised

But I am a pirate... part of an emperors crew

Whatever, I'm strong anyways

I kept on walking until I saw the factory, that was easy

But not until I see the G-5 surrounding the factory p, trying to break the metal steel door open to get inside

I didn't think twice but I just walked into the crowed, blending myself into the crowd until the whole G-5 crew froze in shock

'Why are they frozen? Why are they surprised' I thought to myself

They were all looking towards the opened door with a figure leaning on the door

It was a tall man with a sword beside him, hes wearing a long black coat, and he's wearing a mushroom looking hat

What a weird outfit

I snuck closer to the door, trying not to be seen by the G-5, to take a closer look of the man leaning on the door

It was a warlord...

Who gave 100 hearts of low-class pirates to the world government to become a warlord

The one and only surgeon on death...

Trafalgar Law.


First chapter done yayyyy

How was it??

Anyways like I said in the introduction I said I was in the egghead arc and I far away from punk hazard so I kinda forgot what happened but I will be trying my best to remember

This chapter is a short chapter btw but the other chapters will definitely be longer than this one

I will be talking about Y/N backstory in a few chaptersss so ur going to have to wait 😙😙

QOTD - If you could be in any pirate crew, who's crew would it be? Why?

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