Factory - Chapter 3

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We are now planning about who will go in the factory, who will distract the Marines and do other stuff

The groups are:

Group A: Luffy, Zoro, Robin, and Brook - they will distract and fight the Marines, once they do that they will capture Ceaser

Group B: Nami, Sanji, Franky, Usopp and Kin'emon - they will go save the giant babies and Kin'emon's son that is captured in the factory

Group C: Law, Y/N and Chopper - they will destroy the smile factory, while they will have to let Chopper go in Ceaser's office and look for a cure for the giant babies

Everyone agreed with the plan and got into their groups

"Now, I will give each Group a snail that you will contact in if you completed the mission, have problems or and other reasons" Law said, giving one person in each group a snail

We all wished each other good luck and went off to do our missions

Right now me and Law are trying to sneak into the factory, I'm carrying Chopper in my hands since he is so adorable

Law told me and Chopper that he is pretending to work for Ceaser, and Ceaser thinks he is an ally, but Law will be betraying him soon, so which means Law knows a way in there

"There's the door" Law said, and we both snuck in and started to sneakily look for Ceaser's office to drop Choper of there

"Are we almost there?" Chopper asks

"Almost... I think, Law are we almost there?" I ask Law

"We just made it" Law said as he grabs Chopper from my arms and dropped him

"Sneak in through that door and there should be a door that says 'Ceaser's office, do not enter!' And enter that room. There should be a book about all his creations and cures in there, look for the cure for the babies and make it with the stuff he has there" Law told Chopper

"Will do!" Chopper said and he sunks in the room and closes the door

"Now where is the factory?" I ask Law

"Should be down there, follow me" Law said, grabbing my arm and forcing me to walk with him

Why is he so harsh?

We are still walking until Law froze in one spot, looking infront of him, and there was two people

A girl with green hair and is shaped like a bird, and a boy with glasses and an egg stuck on his cheek

"Vergo..." Law said

"Oh it has been a long time hasn't it Law and call me Vergo-san!" Vergo said to Law

Law just stares at Vergo, and pulls me closer to him, a little bit behind him

"Law, who is that woman, she doesn't look like she works for Ceaser..." Monet asked Law

"Don't worry Monet-ya, she's new here Ceaser is just asking me to show her around" Law said to Monet, with a straight face which is making him look like he's honest but he isn't

"I don't believe him, I know that lady from somewhere, she is pretty familiar" Vergo said, staring at me through his sunglasses

"That's Monkey D Y/N, Garp's granddaughter" Monet said, looking through a book

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