Caught - Chapter 10

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I woke up in the guest room with someone clinging onto me

I look to my side and see a sleepy Law, snoring softly

He's so adorable

Then I remembered that he confessed to me and we are now dating. And I also lost my virginity to him

Oh my goshhhh

I was squealing at this point and then I forgot that Law was still sleeping so I stop squealing and got off the bed

As I got off the bed I fell to the ground, making a not so loud thump since I'm underweight

Then I relized I was naked so I got up to change until I almost lost my balance and held onto the wall

I guess he went too hard on me...

I sighed as I walked slowly to my drawer full of girl clothes and looked for a outfit for me

Oh wait, I have to shower

I looked in the other drawers to find a towel and I found one

I picked up the white towel and closed the drawer and wrapped it around my collarbone

I look at Law and softly smiled, I guess he hasn't woken up, is he that tired...?

I speed walked to the wall, trying not to fall, and started clinging into the wall

I sighed then started walking out of the room clinging onto the wall. I kept on doing that until I went into the bathroom and made it into the room

I then made it and got the shower ready, taking off my towel and entering the shower


I left the bathroom, feeling fresh and no pain after the nice, warm, cozy shower. I had my towel  wrapped around me as I walked into the guest room where Law was sleeping and looked for an outfit to wear

I decided to wear something plain and not too fancy because it will take us a few days to get to zou, depends on how close zounesha is

(Idk if that's how u spell zounesha but correct me if I am wrong!)

So I wore black Jean shorts that were low rise and a black cropped, tight t-shirt showing off my slim and curvy body

I dried my hair and brushed it then kept it down, like I said it will take a few days to get to zou so I don't want a fancy outfit on. I just want something plain

I then heard shuffling on the bed and a low grunt so I looked at the bed to see a half wake Law on the bed yawning and stretching

"Good morning Law" I smiled at him as he looked at me and had a faint smile on his face as he spoke in a low tone "Morning sweetheart". Ugh he has to stop with the nicknames they make me feel weak. Just say my name with the "ya" it's not that hard

I nodded in response and looked at him "you've got to shower Law, I already took one so you can go and take one. If I'm not in the room when you come back that means I'm downstairs where the rest are, eating breakfast" I walked towards him and gave him a light peck on this check, then I walked out of the room so I could go eat with the others

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