Escape - Chapter 4

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Everyone was cheering

Everyone was happy

Everyone is now free

Chopper is now giving the cure to the children and I'm talking with Nami and Robin

"It's kinda of obvious" Nami said, out of the blue

"What is?" I said, letting my curiosity take over

"That Law has a crush on you! Have you not noticed?" Nami said

"No... I haven't" I shrugged

"How? He keeps staring at you" Robin said

I look at Law and he's staring at me

We make eye contact for a few seconds until he broke it and I chuckled a bit

"Yea I think he has a crush on me... but he doesn't seem like the one who would like someone, so I don't know" I said

Nami states at me like I'm crazy and Robin just giggles at Nami

"Yes we know that! But he has never been like this around a woman!! Y/N, he likes you. No, scratch that he loves you!" Nami said

I just stare at Nami in surprise and shock

He loves me?

I mean is that why he pinned me against the wall or was that just a coincidence...?

I would sometimes see him stare at me sometimes

He also stared at Sanji, who kissed my hand a few minutes ago

And he looked jealous

No Y/N, I'm pretty sure your delusional

"I still don't think he likes me... maybe you guys are just seeing things" I said

Nami was about to attack me, but Robin just stopped her

"Don't worry Y/N, if that's what you think we'll respect it. If you notice anything wrong about something or even about Law, come and tell us. We will be here for you" Robin said

"Thank you" I said

I got up and walked away from them and went to Law

"Law! Do you know when we are leaving? I wanna go already..." I said

"We will be leaving now, but they are just to loud to control and we will have to organize things and make sure everyone's here, do it will take some time" Law said

"Maybe we should start now so we could get over it" I said, shrugging

Law nodded

"Everyone! Quiet down!! We will be leaving very soon so listen to Law since he knows more then me" I yelled out loud, and everyone quiet down and formed a circle around me and Law

The people who were surrounding us were: The strawhats, Kin'emon, momonosuke, the babies and the Marines? How did the Marines get here?

Law just glared and at me and I swear I saw him chuckle there for a second

"Ok, we will be moving on to the next step of our plan. We will have to go to dressrosa. But we will need the babies to go back home so we will let the Marines take care of that right now." Law said

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