Marriage?! - Chapter 6

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Usopp's POV

"Y/N!!" I called put for her as she was getting dragged by two anonymous people

"Robin! Law! Y/N has been captured!!" I yelled at the two

"Y/N? By who??" Robin asked

"I-I don't know... but they look like the guards from the palace" I said

"Doflamingo... what would he want to do with Y/N?" Law clenched his fist

He's so scary...

"Let's go get Y/N, now" Law said, getting up and not giving two shots about his injuries

Me and Robin nodded

Now we are going to save Y/N!!


I woke up in a fancy room

Like really fancy

My head was pounding and hurting so hard and it felt like someone was hitting my head with a pan non stop

I then look around the room and see a tall blonde man infornt of me sitting on a fancy looking chair

"Looks like you have woken have" Doflamingo laughs

"Doflamingo? What do you want with me!!" I yelled st him, not giving a shit that he is a warlord

"Oh it's not me that wants you, it's my brother who wants you..." Doflamingo said

"Your brother? Who and why!!" I yelled, again

"Diamante. He has been crushing on you ever since you have gotten your first bounty, he wanted to marry you. And when I saw you on the bridge earlier this morning, I decided to tell my guards to kidnap you, and trick you with the scent of food. Since you love food so much" Doflamingo laughed

"Marragie?! Why would I want to marry-"

He points a gun at me

"I would love to pull this trigger right her and right now, but I wouldn't want to make my brother sad wouldn't I?" Doflamingo laughed with his stupid

I just sighed and looked down

The position I was in wasn't very... friendly

My hands were above my head, tied up and I'm on my knees, facing Doflamingo

"When is the marriage..." I asked Doflamingo

"Tomorrow morning, he would like to meet you, would you want me to go and get him?" Doflamingo asked

I have a plan... I will just act like I want to marry him...

"Sure!" I smiled, a fake ass smile

He then nods and gets up and leaves the room

What have I gotten myself into...

I've stayed there for God knows how long until the door opened and I just had to put on a fake smile so I can look happy

"Look who's here!! Thank you Doffy, now I get to marry my crush" Diamante said

Ew is that how he looks like?

No way I'm going to marry him

Just get along with the plan...

I smiled "I'm looking forward to marry you, Diamante" I flirted

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