Chapter Six

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- Feros -
- Skyscraper -
- ExoGeni Camp -
- Cin'Maram Vas Normandy -

"H-Hey, wait stop!" Shepard suddenly slams on the breaks, Lizbeth quickly hopping out of the Mako.

"This is the ExoGeni camp... F-Forgot we were bringing her back..." Cin coughs, clambering out of the Mako with Shepard and Garrus, the three walk down the ramp and find Lizbeth hiding behind a crate.

Ethan Jeong is yelling at Juliana Baynham, something about how the company isn't going to like this failure of a test once they hear about it...

Lizbeth suddenly runs out when Ethan lifts a pistol, "No! No, I don't care!"

"Hey!" Ethan shifts his aim, then looks at the ramp.

"C-Come out! Now!" Shepard leans out of cover, and steps forward, Cin and Garrus right behind her.

Cin'Maram doesn't really pay attention to the conversation, more focused on the Carnifex pistol the human is waving around, but whatever Shepard says makes the scientist sigh, lowering the pistol.

After another short conversation, Shepard walks over to a human on a terminal, who thanks the Commander for uploading the data from his terminal back in the Headquarters.

- Half an Hour Later -
- Gate to Zhu's Hope -
- Cin'Maram Vas Normandy -

"...It's locked?" Cin steps out of the Mako, sure enough the gate is locked, Cin takes a step towards the access panel, but Shepard stops him.

"What is that thing?" The three look just beneath the button, crouched, curled up into a fetal position is a strange green creature.

[ Thorian Creeper ]

The creature groans as he stands, when it 'spots' the ground team, it starts to hobble towards them, "That is terrifying!" Cin shoots it in the chest, causing it to fall on its back, dead

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The creature groans as he stands, when it 'spots' the ground team, it starts to hobble towards them, "That is terrifying!" Cin shoots it in the chest, causing it to fall on its back, dead.

"Kinda looked human, right?" Shepard scrunches her face as she studies the creature, "The Thorian must know we're coming for it."

"The VI said it controls people... What do we do about that?" Garrus asks.

"The grenade mod! Juliana gave me a grenade mod that should neutralize the Thorians control over the colonists." Shepard grabs a grenade from her belt, and after doing... Something, okay, I don't know how these mods work!

The grenade's light turns from blue, to green, "Watch your fire, I don't want any of the colonists dying."

"Got it, Commander." Garrus and Cin ready their weapons, if the Thorian is smart, it'll have put more of those creepy things out in the colony, so Cin and Garrus will focus on targeting those...

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